Sounds like a grand time was had by all at a GOP private luncheon in the Senate prior to the useless vote to try to end the government shutdown:

Washington Post

“This is your fault,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) told Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) at one point, according to two Republicans who attended the lunch and witnessed the exchange.

“Are you suggesting I’m enjoying this?” McConnell snapped back, according to the people who attended the lunch.

Six Republicans broke ranks to vote for the Democratic plan, which would have reopened shuttered government agencies through Feb. 8, without any wall money. Among them was Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), who explained in the lunch why he planned to vote for both bills.

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), who voted for Trump’s bill but opposed the Democratic plan, started to interrupt him and Romney snapped back, according to one of the people who attended the lunch and another person familiar with it. The exchange was lively but not particularly angry, they said.

Also during the lunch, McConnell made clear to Pence and others in the room that the shutdown was not his idea and was not working. According to Republicans familiar with his comments, he quoted a favorite saying that he often uses to express his displeasure with government shutdowns: “There is no education in the second kick of a mule.”

If this mess weren’t so devastating for the country I could really enjoy the image of Romney getting his magic boxers in a bunch.

John Cornyn was reported as saying the perfectly stupid: “Nobody was blaming the president.”

Well, there you go boys, if you can’t figure out who is dumping sugar in the gas tank, you’re not going to be able to keep the car running.

And, hey, Mitch watch your beak when  talking about our Speaker.

She’s no mule, she’s a donkey, get it?

And if you don’t get your fu**ing caucus under control, you can expect seconds and thirds on those kicks in the ass!


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