There are some people who have a nasty habit of lulling decent people into believing they’ve heard the last from. Awful, even vile people who never seem to get what they deserve, and we settle for them just… Shutting the eff up and going away. For good. Sadly, while some do that, others allow us to think they’re gone and we even forget about them most of the time. But they pop back up to remind us they’re still using up oxygen and quite capable of converting it into noxius gas and spewing it back out.

Roger Stone is such a person. Like Ann Coulter he simply can’t stand obscurity and if it takes making some outrageous comment to get back in the news? Well, that’s just what will happen. What’s crazy here is that Stone, I supposed to both boost Trump and maybe in the process curry enough favor with Trump to get a fat paying gig with the campaign has chosen to weigh in on the “who’s the big Kahuna in Florida? question. However as Newsweek reports rather than attack challenger Ron DeSantis directly Stone instead chose to curry Trumpian favor by attacking DeSantis’ wife Casey.

By calling her the “C” word! Incredibly, by doing so Stone has generated a strong defense of Casey DeSantis. Who’d have ever thought she’d be the object of sympathy?

Still, Stone’s comment is a twofer when it comes to currying favor with Trump. Since Casey is Ron’s campaign manager Stone has attacked the DeSantis family and campaign, and thrown in a healthy dose of misogyny! You don’t think Trump will nod approvingly over that? Whether Stone gets welcomed back into the circle of advisors or not Trump will still love it.

Now, I have no use for either Ron DeSantis or his wannabe “Jackie” (Kennedy) wife Casey. She’s as awful as he is. I do however know how vile that word is to women, and that it’s a huge no-no to use it. Stone of course doesn’t care. Neither does Trump. Nor do a whole lot of MAGAs regardless of gender. However the point is that Stone didn’t finally decide to just go away and stay away after all. So he trotted out an attack using a word that he damn well knew would get Trump’s attention and unfortunately lots of other people’s. Including me since I’m writing to tell you about this.

I wouldn’t bother except we know what Trump’s plans are if he gets back into the WH. And, even if he doesn’t have an official role either in the campaign or if the worst happens a second Trump administration.  However, his penchant for dirty tricks is something Trump will probably want to utilize. Stone has just signaled to Trump he’s standing by and that’s something we should watch out for.

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  1. What do you mean “back in the graces of the campaign?” What R presidential campaign has he NOT been part of since his back tattoo Nixon’s? He was part of the 2021 War Room Gang with “film at 11” to boot, which should have been enough to get him sent away for a long time except for that pardon from tfg. Mr Dirty Tricks guy himself. True scum of the earth – they wasted threat word on swarmy.

  2. If anyone does deserve the c-word, it’s her. My Niece From.Hell is a third rate version of her. And my husband has designated as Thunder c-word #2. Her older cousin is TC1 and hus older sister is the Original TC.

    In Wicca we believe that the harm you do comes back 3times. If nothing this life, in the next. Which means Trump may come back as a mayfly, and work his way back up. I think quite a few in his coterie will.start as vertebrates that are endangered.


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