“We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within….” — Nikita Khrushchev, 1956

This is a tangled and thorny path we’re about to mosey down, but stay with me. It will all make sense as you begin to connect the dots.

Our starting point is with Dirty Trickster Roger Stone, who has been selling his country out for a very long time. Stone is fascinated by elections and election integrity and that’s why he has gone out of his way to see how the system can be broken and then to do just that.

Let’s start out in present day and work our way back. Here is Roger Stone, who is an official part of Russian propaganda nowadays, as the Ukraine War goes into his second month.

The text above is under Stone’s picture, if you click on the tweet.

This is what Stone is doing in real time, now that’s he’s pardoned and out of prison. He hasn’t missed a beat in getting involved spreading misinformation about Ukraine into Russia.

The Ukraine/Russian debacle has been going on for quite some time. It isn’t about the war that just broke out February 24. There has been a real skirmish going on in Ukraine for quite some time and this British reporter suggests that in the future this time may be looked back upon as the Great Information War. Last month’s invasion of Ukraine is just one more part of a greater war which has been raging for some time and which Roger Stone has been a part of, not to mention his buddy and fellow Trump pardonee, Paul Manafort.

Just by the by, Manafort attempted to escape to Dubai today but was taken off a plane at Miami International with a rejected passport. Tuck that fact away because when one of these clowns runs, it’s always the harbinger of a greater event to come. You remember when Parnas and Furman did exactly the same thing?

Back to the Great Information War.

Let us pause for just a moment and digest this. Cadwalladr is calling the 2016 election interference warfare. That comment was made at the time, that Russia was engaging in an act of war against the United States, but it was considered too outre, too radical a notion to come into widespread acceptance.

Therefore, that way of looking into the 2016 interference was reduced to “meddling” and “interference” which indeed have an entirely different connotation than “war.” We all live lives filled with meddling and interference, from the nosy neighbor to the guy cutting us off in traffic to the difficult co-worker, but we don’t call it war, right? That’s because it’s not. But what happened in this country during the 2016 election was an act of war and it should be called just that. Words have power and we did ourselves no favor by underplaying the importance of Russian interference in 2016 as anything other than an act of war.

At this point, what was in motion in 2016, and which started in 2014, is still in motion and maybe now that Ukraine is actually in a physical hot war and the lies and disinformation are pouring out of there and going global, maybe, finally, the Great Information War will be acknowledged. Because that is the other war going on in Europe now, the Ukraine War and the Disinformation war. If we had called it what it was in 2016 we would not be dealing with it now.

Wow. Take another pause there to digest. The issue with Ukraine is not just a humanitarian one, it is not just about the political global reality of whether an autocracy will swallow up a functioning neighboring democracy at will. It is about Truth v. Lies. And that is of vast human import to everyone on this planet. That puts the Ukraine War in a very different context.

Now we get back to Roger Stone, the new Kremlin Poster child and supposed informed person on What’s Really Going On In Ukraine. Over the years Stone has shown a propensity for the following: 1) Wage a war on truth; 2) Undermine and destroy faith in American elections; not coincidentally because to do both of those is to arrive at the fulfillment of what Nikita Khrushchev promised long ago in 1956, the taking over of the United States without firing a shot. No Red Dawn here. Don’t need it. We’ve got the Roger Stones of the world selling us out.

Roger Stone is a Republican “fixer” and he fixed the 2000 election, although he was around long long before that. This is Richard Nixon’s boy, Tricky Dick taught him whatever Roy Cohn didn’t.

This article is by Jennifer Cohn, an attorney and election integrity advocate. It was written December 23, 2021. This is one of those articles that you need to read in full because it is chock full of chunks of information, such as this.

Stone hooked up with George W. Bush after he had unsuccessfully mounted a campaign for Donald Trump to run on the Reform Party ticket. Many of the problems that we saw hit us in the face in 2016, and again in 2020 are still with us in 2022 and come out of that seminal election of 2000.

We would not be in the mess that we are climate wise had Al Gore been elected. And we would not be so willing to believe hooey about stolen elections, had not the great drama in Florida been staged in 2000. Roger Stone was key to that. Remember the “Brooks Brothers Riot?”

So as you see the dishing up of dirt by the GOP is nothing new. It’s old as the hills and twice as dusty. And Roger Stone has done very well for himself in Republican politics for a very long time. He’s profited from being a Dirty Trickster and he intends to do more right now with respect to the Ukraine War and Great Information War.

Bush rewarded Stone for his campaign “assistance” during the 2000 election by appointing him to the Department of Interior transition working group. According to the Village Voice, this “unannounced perch” allowed Stone to “market himself to [native American] tribes and developers from Louisiana to California, earning fat fees and contingent percentages of future casino revenue. Just two of the five deals examined by the Voice [were] projected to pay him at least $8 million, and perhaps as much as $13 million.”

In 2016, Stone began using a new organization called the Proud Boys as his personal security force. The organization had been founded the same year during the 2016 campaign season. Members of the Proud Boys breached the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 after the “Stop the Steal” rally protesting Biden’s defeat of Trump. Stone is reportedly close with Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio. Another Proud Boys member recently pleaded guilty to conspiracy to stop Congress from certifying Biden’s win. He has reportedly agreed to cooperate with the government’s investigation.

The bottom line is that the Republican party has been getting dirtier and dirtier over the years and they finally reached a climax of both corruption and absurdity when they made Donald Trump their standard bearer.

Traditional conservative values have been in a state of deep erosion for some time. Along with the people eroding those values are characters like Roger Stone, who are have no problem disguising the truth and promulgating lies instead. As a matter of fact, I think they rather enjoy it. It appeals to their sense of perversity and their particular code of ethics, which is why earn something if you can possibly steal it.

The big question now is whether the GOP can right the ship and return to some semblance of normalcy or whether it is finished as a major political party and the fringe crazies in the group will now take over the helm. We won’t have to wait too long for the answers.

[A tip of the hat to fellow Zoomer Linda Mendoza who sent me the picture of Roger Stone with Russian subtitles.)


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