John Nance Garner was a visionary. This is the man who was FDR’s vice president and who quipped that the vice-presidency “was not worth a warm bucket of piss.” He must have looked into a crystal ball and saw Mike Pence, because that basically describes the overall value and level of intellectual stimulation that Pence brought to Night Three of the 2020 Republican National Convention. Although to be fair, before Pence ever got up to tell his lies, there were plenty of liars before him. It was a fact checker’s nightmare and a lie fest for the ages.

My favorite was Joni Ernst’s. Did you know that Joe Biden was going to “essentially ban animal agriculture?”

Where do the Republicans get this stuff from? And they believe the American people are such idiots that they’ll believe it? That is the gamble, apparently. And this was just one of many inaccuracies, ranging from outright whoppers to carelessness.

Now this statement is totally relevant. As I watched this lie-fest, snooze-fest, the same thought occurred to me and then Richard Grenell went to the podium. Oh.My.God. Everything he said was a lie, including as Rick Wilson put it, “the words ‘and’ and ‘the.” He started out talking about what a total handle Donald Trump had on foreign policy and how he had “charmed” Angela Merkel and how when Grenell was ODNI acting head, how he “saw the Democrats’ entire case for Russian collusion. And what I saw made me sick to my stomach.”

He went on about how Obama and Biden “secretly launched an investigation on the Trump campaign.” Here.We.Go. This talking point is now established in this campaign and Grenell will keep running with it, mark my words. And bear in mind, Grenell was only an acting head. He never got senate confirmation. But he’s a Trump shill par excellence and expect him to keep going on how Obama/Biden “silenced the many brave intelligence officials who spoke up against” the investigation. Even Marco Rubio didn’t stoop so low as to allege something like this. It’s not in Rubio’s report and it’s not in Mueller’s, but Grenell has his own report to make and this is what you’re going to hear. Maybe this is Trump’s October surprise.

I didn’t know before tonight that it was possible to be both bored and terrified simultaneously, but now I do. Thursday night is the grand finale of this shitshow. Having gone from the seeming demonic possession of Kimberly Guilfoyle on Monday to Mike Pence’s bucket of warm piss, I don’t even want to guess what they might come up with tomorrow. Maybe Trump will have a special surprise appearance from Vladimir Putin, singing, “You Are the Wind Beneath My Wings.”

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  1. They need to go after Trump for being a traitor. I know the LP has, but it needs to be force fed to the unwashed. It should not just include the contact during the 2016 campaign but his attacks on NATO during his presidency alongside the ads he ran in 1987 after his secret meetings with the Russians. List all the acts that are simply Putin’s foreign policy. Syria. Ukraine, etc. His attempts to end the sanctions and then his successes at removing the sanctions for the Kentucky Russky. Putin has found that Republicans are cheaper than bullets and soldiers.

  2. Adolph Hitler was a saint. He restored Germany to greatness. If it hadnt been for the vermin of the world,(everyone else), he would have made Germany great again & reined, like christ, for a thousand years. Someone please pass the grape juice. I grow weary of our culture of shallowness & stupidity, & lying hypocrisy.

    • you may get weary, but I am scared. I just don’t understand how people don ‘t or can’t see through the hypocrisy. I can understand some of the people who are not educated, but what about those with a higher education (say, eighth grade)

      • I would think the answer to your dilemma obvious, James: those people don’t WANT to see. Because if they did, they’d have to suddenly come face to face with some very unpleasant and ugly revelations about who they really are and how they got there. As any trans person can tell you, the hardest thing in this life is being yourself because it requires a degree of honesty too many people frankly lack. So they settle for the easy delusions until said delusions don’t work anymore. There’s a lesson there.

    • THEIR culture, Scott. The only way we become a part of that is by letting our outrage turn us into their victims. I’ve had enough of that at this point.

      • To some degree but the reality is I studied under a biblical scholar at Carolina & find a country full of people with strong feelings BUT DON’T KNOW A GODDAMN THING OR QUESTION THEMSELVES. I’ve been in a black family for over 20yrs, & I’ve read dr. King’s books, & find very few black folks who know history. Haven’t met too many white people who have read the history of colonization, or the real history of the country. That’s how 40% of people can stand with a fascist while believing they are good people. Ignorance & arrogance are why we are where we are. It’s not just the trumpers. If the rest of us took knowledge & freedom & the sacrifice of our ancestors seriously, then we would not have had 4 authoritarian presidents, Jackson. Wilson, Nixon & this piece of shit. Time to smarten up or watch us all be destroyed. It’s really that simple.

  3. I refuse to be scared of any of these people. Reason? They’re people…complete with all the frailties, fears and blind spots that implies. I find the Litany of Fear from Frank Herbert’s Dune to be an excellent reminder on fear’s proper place at times like this.

      • To your point, It is exceedingly odd that the same people who believe “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Tim 1:7), have forsaken love and a sound mind, and embraced fear all in the pursuit of secular power. It is almost as if their faith is fake, that they do not really believe there is a Kingdom of God, but only the here and now.

  4. The Truth and Nothing but The Truth:

    Trump’s “Vote Cheater-in-Chief” Kris Kobach

    and the ‘We Build the Wall’ Scandal

    Former Kansas Sec. of State Kris Kobach, creator of the Crosscheck voter purge program, is once again in the middle of a corruption scandal.

    Kobach is founding attorney for the self-styled ‘non-profit,’ We Build the Wall, whose co-founding board members have been indicted for looting the organization.
    The Palast Investigative Fund has been on Kobach’s trail since 2014—detailed in Greg Palast’s new book, How Trump Stole 2020. .

    Why didn’t the Justice Dept indict Kobach as well as Bannon?

    1. Wire transfers of $250,000 and $100,000 would have to be approved by the foundation’s counsel—Kobach—which were in direct violation of the Wall foundation’s by-laws.

    2. Kobach used the non-profit’s donor list to raise money for his Senate run, normally a felony crime.

    3. I worked with the Justice Department on racketeering cases. You don’t bust the capo (Bannon) unless you also bust the consiglieri (Kobach).

    4. Both Bannon indictment and Kobach non-indictment would have to been personally approved by AG Barr.

    5. My fear: This is Roger Stone special. Bannon, with Randy Credico was the main witness against Roger Stone in the federal trial. The Trump campaign needs to reactivate their top tricksters, Stone and Kobach—and Bannon needed muzzling after the Stone trial — and for saying that Ivanka is dumber than a board of lumber.

    6. Kobach pulled in up to $400,000 in legal fees from the Wall scam—while running for Senate.

    Greg Palast was investigating Kobach for Rolling Stone, Kobach called me (yes, a shock) and proudly told me that he was the one who told Trump he could make Mexico pay for the wall.


    Read the full story in How Trump Stole 2020 and find out how to protect your vote.

    The Truth and Nothing but The Truth:

    Trump’s “Vote Cheater-in-Chief” Kris Kobach

    and the ‘We Build the Wall’ Scandal

    Former Kansas Sec. of State Kris Kobach, creator of the Crosscheck voter purge program, is once again in the middle of a corruption scandal.

    Kobach is founding attorney for the self-styled ‘non-profit,’ We Build the Wall, whose co-founding board members have been indicted for looting the organization.
    The Palast Investigative Fund has been on Kobach’s trail since 2014—detailed in Greg Palast’s new book, How Trump Stole 2020. .

    Why didn’t the Justice Dept indict Kobach as well as Bannon?

    1. Wire transfers of $250,000 and $100,000 would have to be approved by the foundation’s counsel—Kobach—which were in direct violation of the Wall foundation’s by-laws.

    2. Kobach used the non-profit’s donor list to raise money for his Senate run, normally a felony crime.

    3. I worked with the Justice Department on racketeering cases. You don’t bust the capo (Bannon) unless you also bust the consiglieri (Kobach).

    4. Both Bannon indictment and Kobach non-indictment would have to been personally approved by AG Barr.

    5. My fear: This is Roger Stone special. Bannon, with Randy Credico was the main witness against Roger Stone in the federal trial. The Trump campaign needs to reactivate their top tricksters, Stone and Kobach—and Bannon needed muzzling after the Stone trial — and for saying that Ivanka is dumber than a board of lumber.

    6. Kobach pulled in up to $400,000 in legal fees from the Wall scam—while running for Senate.

    Greg Palast was investigating Kobach for Rolling Stone, Kobach called me (yes, a shock) and proudly told me that he was the one who told Trump he could make Mexico pay for the wall.


    Read the full story in How Trump Stole 2020 and find out how to protect your vote.

  5. You and I are not the target demographic for this stuff.
    I always caution folks to never underestimate the stupidity of the American people. Present company excepted.

    • And you’re underestimating the sheer bipartisan loathing that Trump now engenders from nearly all quarters. The people this appeals to? Those votes are already locked in, so all this fan service is beyond pointless. The middle is where you win it and it’s hardly escaped that segment’s notice where all the most ugly problems this country is facing.

    • I believe Einstein stated he thought there were only two things that were possibly infinite…the universe & human stupidity. He said he wasn’t sure about the universe.

  6. Maybe Trump will have a special surprise appearance from Vladimir Putin, singing, “You Are the Wind Beneath My Wings.” ???????????

    • If it were up to me, I’d spice it up. Have Vladimir dress like mr. Slave in Southpark & ride in on a sled pulled by the three big hogs, Barr, McConnell & pompeo. Stop & hitch up poppa pig trump. Then let vlad the impaler croon God Bless America as they pull him around. Now, that’s a show.

  7. Quoting fucking Briahna Joy Gray? Yes, how can SHE be so terrifying and boring at the same time, as well as soon angry, bitter, clueless and willing to reelect Trump’s to stoke her personal rage. Sheesh. I hate seeing her name anywhere, but definitely here.


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