This is interesting when a dismissed lawsuit is hailed by the party who dismissed it as a “major victory.” I mean, that’s good. I got a high mark in civil procedure in law school and I can tell you, this is brand new information to me. You can see the below tweet from Ronna McDaniel, who doesn’t seem to be using the family name “Romney” these days. Mitt is probably glad of that, considering how utterly false the information below is.

And here’s another Democratic attorney chiming in.

I love the smell of dismissals in the morning. They smell like major victory. If you’re a Republican and you’re lying through your teeth to the low information/no information people, I guess that’s an accurate statement. Wow. I can’t wait to hear from the legal minds on this site. Or anybody in their right mind. Both groups of people will be properly appalled.

How did the Republican party sink to this level? Even Richard Nixon is in the next world, shaking his head. The only thing that occurs to me, is that there’s so little good news in GOPland these days, with mighty Trumpy striking out every day, that they’ve got to make some up.


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  1. My understanding is that if you’re registered, you’re a voter. Whether you actually vote or not (and I’ve missed a few elections, for reasons), it’s your business.
    If you skip all of them, though, they may conclude that you’re dead or have moved.

  2. Let me see if I’ve got this straight.
    1) The GOP files a lawsuit
    2) The GOP goes back to court and asks to dismiss their own lawsuit
    3) The Judge says in effect “You want to withdraw your lawsuit and have me dismiss it? Fine. Case Dismissed (bangs gavel)

    Did I miss anything there? The GOP decided not to continue their own lawsuit. Let’s leave aside bogus claims of victory, or the reason(s) why the GOP decided not to pursue their own claim. Well, most of the reasons.

    We are far out from the election and any news this might makes amongst the GOP faithful won’t even register a blip on the radar with everything else going on. However, note the part of the Judge’s dismissal order noting that the Parties will be responsible for covering their own costs. The State of California has an entire department with plenty of lawyers capable of defending the state already. The GOP however has to come up with every penny of their own lawyers fees and court costs. Those billable hours can add up quickly so for me the interesting possibility is that the RNC took a cold, hard look and realized their lawsuit was headed nowhere, but that they’d spend a lot of money getting to – nowhere. We Democrats are already out fundraising them all over the country, and more and more states and races besides President are coming into play. They are back on their heels and are already having to spend huge sums of money in places that six months (or less) ago they figured were safe. Now they are back on their heels playing defense in an increasing number of places, and in danger of seeing all the ill-gotten gains from their 2010 project that gave them such a huge structural advantage not just in Congress but in numerous states get wiped out. Well, not all but enough to create a much more level playing field for the next ten years which is almost as bad for them.

    My guess is that they are more strapped for case for what they are facing this fall than they ever thought they’d be. Trump of course has first dibs on RNC money and for damned sure he’s grifting untold tens of millions into his own coffers. If he goes down he’ll laugh all the way to the bank. The RNC however will be in a shambles. I wouldn’t put it past Trump (or perhaps more precisely Jared) to have had Parsquale work out a way to fuck the RNC’s voter databases in a way that will force them to hire (at major, major bucks) that only whatever new entity Parsquale and Kushner/Trump create to UN-fuck things.

    So, given all that I can see why Ms. “No longer using the Romney name” McDaniel might pull the plug on shoveling even two or three million into a lawsuit the RNC would have lost anyway.

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  4. ? ? ?????? ???? 10-? ??????? ? ????? ??????? ???? ????. ? ???? ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ??. ????, ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ????.Follow details on this web page.. Copy and open this link for more information… Here—>

  5. ? ? ?????? ???? 10-? ??????? ? ????? ??????? ???? ????. ? ???? ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ??. ????, ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ????.Follow details on this web page.. Copy and open this link for more information…

  6. ? ? ?????? ???? 10-? ??????? ? ????? ??????? ???? ????. ? ???? ??????? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ??. ????, ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ????.Follow details on this web page.. Copy and open this link for more information… Here—>>>>> 


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