Right Wing Columnist Ignites Outrage When He Calls Death Of Yemeni Boy ‘Ginned Up Media Agenda Item’


One of the saddest observations to be made about the War on Truth that we’re currently living through is that the unprincipled distill every story down to the publicity impact and subsequent bias potential of any given piece, and completely lose sight of the human story contained therein. Such is the case here. A two year old Yemeni boy died Friday in an Oakland hospital, after being kept apart from his mother for the past 17 months, due to the Muslim travel ban. A young couple losing their baby, “the light of our lives” as his mother described him, is a tragedy, under any circumstances.  Despite that, conservative commentator, Kurt Schlichter, in an egregious display of lack of humanity, had the hubris to say, “I don’t care,” and then when that blew up in his face, to double down and characterize the incident as a “ginned up media agenda item.” Wow. I think it’s safe to assume that Mr. Schlichter never lost a child.

The divide in this culture is not political. It’s existential. It goes to the root of how a human being lives in a society. This is the wealthiest nation on the globe but being impoverished here is virtually a death sentence, condemning a person to be denied care for treatable illnesses. Tax bills should be passed in congress to address that issue, and the issue of a livable minimum wage. Instead, the ones that pass are solely for the purpose of fattening the coffers of the mega wealthy. This is just one more example of the vulnerable and marginalized being victimized. In this instance, the humanity of the situation, of a mother needing to go to the death bed of her infant son, was the compelling interest. An idiotic travel ban, instituted solely by Steve Bannon, no less, to create a talking point showing what a tough guy Trump is, stopped her. That is callousness and cruelty of a heretofore unimaginable scale and it is not something that would have ever happened in the America most of us grew up in.

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  1. Sphincter is only 1 step away from 100% approval of things like the Nazi SS who in the late 1930s – early 1940’s launched babies up into the air and used them for machine gun practice. Once you’re brainwashed to the point of dehumanizing anyone in the human race labeled as “different”, it becomes acceptable in Sphincter’s mind to torture, starve, rape, poison, murder other humans. No doubt Sphincter was always a dehumanizer, he’s now just come “out of the closet” because he falsely believes there will be no consequences for speaking out in support of murder. #ResistanceRising #OneHumanRace.


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