REVEALED: Trump Asked Secret Service To Turn Off Metal Detectors Jan. 6 Because His Supporters ‘Won’t Hurt Me’


Simply unbelievable. The sixth installment of the January 6 Committee hearings is going forward. A few bombshells have already been dropped.

Trump wanted the Secret Service to disconnect the magnometers, or metal detectors, which could detect people in a crowd with weapons. Trump wanted his supporters armed is the simple takeaway here.

Cassidy Hutchinson is an amazing witness. She was the aide to Mark Meadows. She is precise, calm, and composed. Take a look.

This is possibly the most incredible hearing of all and that is saying a mouthful.


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  1. The thing is it got worse! She’s been testifying about knowledge that trouble was already well underway at the Capitol while Trump was talking and STILL he wanted to be taken up there. Even to the point of trying to grab the wheel of the limo as the Secret Service was taking him back to the WH. And he KEPT trying to get them to get his traitorous fat ass up there!

    Best of all she’s naming names on other witnesses that back up her account.

    Interestingly, I learned in the leadup coverage that she changed lawyers two or three weeks ago. When I learned she had given four depositions (represented by what I gather was competent counsel – competent but perhaps more interested in protecting Trump than her) I couldn’t help but wonder what new information she had to give. Now, a well-prepared witness will have it drilled into their head to answer ONLY what is asked, and to do so in as few words as possible. And no matter what don’t volunteer anything – stick to what is specifically asked and ONLY specifically what is asked.

    I can’t help but wonder at the reason she decided to get a new lawyer but it’s certainly within the realm of possibility that she got information or even a gut feeling she was close to getting thrown under the bus. And got a new lawyer who, as can happen when someone leaves a Grand Jury room and tells their lawyer what they were asked and how they answered tells them to go right back in and “correct” or “amend” their testimony. If they do so right away no legal harm will come to them. But if they wait and hope and someone else shoves them under the bus it’s a different story.

    The other possibility is that now that transcripts are being provided to the DOJ once witnesses have testified to the Committee the DOJ (now that the two entities are working together more) that the DOJ came back with information about their own investigation/cases and wanted this on the record because they have to move and move fast on certain people with subpoenas. Or dare we hope arrests?

    Well, it’s certainly been well worth the time to tune in.

  2. Certainly sounds like the dumb-ass in diapers wanted a lot more bloodshed on 6 January. Yep, yep, yep. V.P. Pence and Congress were very lucky that day.

    I do not know what Garland is doing right now. I have a pretty dim view of his actions thus far. I certainly hope this makes very clear the grave crimes former guy and cabal committed.

  3. I do wish people would stop going on about ‘what Garland should be doing’. He’s the boss of the department and he tells others to do what is necessary.

    You surely d0on’t expect the CEO of Walmart or any other big company to personally handle stock control or running a check-out. That’s what they employ staff for

    • Oh, Daithi, stop trying to inject sense into the conversation. A lot of the time “our” side is as brain-dead stupid about how things work as the other side.


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