It’s interesting to consider what mental illness is and what it is not. As Charlie Sykes points out in the following tape from the You Tube version of his podcast, this is a woman who is probably a grandma, who makes casseroles for the neighbors, who buys tricycles for kids — in short, a regular middle-aged American gal. Probably somebody you might like, in fact.

Unless she opened her mouth about politics. Then you would hear some QAnon tinged lunacy. So is the definition of mental health being able to function normally in the world, but concurrently having fantastic beliefs about things that don’t exist and faith in occurrences that are impossible? Maybe. I mean, after all, most of us have been raised with religion. We’re told that devils, angels, and an almighty being called God exists. And I’m not here to argue with anybody about that. Frankly, I believe in God. I’m merely saying that I don’t believe that He will command the Easter Bunny to bury Washington, D.C. under tons of chocolate eggs if Donald Trump isn’t restored to the White House and this is almost as crazy.

Isn’t that something? Half a million sealed indictments. That’s a lot of work. And the Guardians of Space Force will become the Guardians of our society, just like in the Handmaid’s Tale, isn’t that comforting?

I’ve always had mixed feelings about Space Force. Here’s the link to their website. Space is closer than you think, it tells us. It’s the beginning of military operations in space, and certainly I don’t mock that. It’s my personal dream come true. I grew up when Sputnik was circling the globe and people were nervous. I remember sitting there with my comic books and wondering when we would go to the moon, and then when I was in the second grade, JFK said it would be by the end of the decade — and right he was.

Space Force says it’s recruiting the “brightest minds across technology, engineering and aerospace to fulfill our mission.” I don’t think a coup of Washington, D.C., cobbled together by QAnon, is that mission. But what do I know?

In any event, this all devolves down to the fact that we have reached a monstrous place in our society, all traceable back to that fateful day when Ronald Reagan decided that the Fairness Doctrine in broadcasting was unnecessary and put it to rest. Then Rush Limbaugh came along and started trash talking on right-wing radio and soon after that Rupert Murdoch put Fox News on the airwaves and you know the story from there.

We live with two different narratives of reality running side by side, in a kind of demented factual horse race. Who will win, Truth, the lovely chestnut horse, or Lies, the pale horse of death?

Nothing built on lies can survive for too long. Donald Trump is proving that in court, daily. His business empire was built on lies and those lies are being exposes. It’s a terrible thing that he managed to lie his way into the White House and he’s lying even more to do an encore performance. This is deranged. We are truly and unquestionably living through the most bizarre passage in American history in our 240-some years as a nation.

Listening to the woman in this video, I marvel yet once more that anybody could swallow Trump and his hogwash. But people do and they have. Trump filled a void for a lot of people who were never politically motivated before. They wanted to join with him to burn it all down, not having a clear picture of what that would mean. Let’s hope there are more of us than there are of them, because government of the lost, by the lost, and for the lost is not what the rest of us signed up for.

That said, there’s no sanity provision regarding who can vote. You need to be a citizen, age 18, that’s it. You can be crazy as the shit house rat and still cast a ballot. And 73 million people did cast one for Donald Trump in 2020.


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  1. Space was not supposed to be militarized. It took a complete moron like trump, being supported by other morons in his admin, to come up with this asininity. The space cadets OUGHT to be dismantled completely. We have the Air Force which is more than sufficient to do whatever it is the space cadets are tasked with-does anyone even know their mission? Is it to explore new worlds, to seek out new lifeforms…..Point is the whole effing thing was stupid and we do not need to fund MORE stupidity. We actually need to get more money away from the military industrial complex.

    F*cking stupid but nearly as stupid as anyone thinking these poopies in the space cadets can do anything more than possibly wiping their asses correctly.

  2. To the MAGA gal… Asking for a friend. Kind of well-know so I’ll use her (you’ll NEVER figure it out!) code name, sounds like “Barge Sailor Rhymes-with-teen” – she wants to know if from time to time if, once Space Force gets hold of the famous Jewish Space Lasers if she can drop by and use them on people that are mean to her.

    • My husband bought me the Newish Space Laser Goyim Division pin. The other one pinned purse reads Irish Witch”which Ursula and Murphy may recall from Daily Kos. I didn’t wait kicked out, just followednthe greatly missed Michael.Tuck here. It was only a matter of time before I got banned. The new crew there has no sense of humor or irony and are imposing their very narrow views on everyone else; very few of the people I knew from 2095-14 are left because they all got kicked off.


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