“You can run, you can hide, you can leave it all behind, but before too long, you’re gonna have to face the music.” — Catfish Hunter

I don’t quite know what Steve Bannon intends to do during his contempt of congress trial which is coming up in a few days. His ruse to have Donald Trump waive an executive privilege that Trump in fact never had has fallen flat. He’s got no other viable defenses.

He tried to get the trial postponed — again — and the Judge shot that one down. And now this terrific audio clip you’re about to hear has surfaced. Seems to me this is the nail in the coffin.

Dum de dum dum dum. Smoking gun time. And Bannon’s been striking out but good with everything he’s tried to avoid being accountable. Daily Beast:

In recent days, Bannon’s legal team has tossed one Hail Mary after another at U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols, perhaps expecting a receptive audience from the Trump appointee who once clerked for the conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Schoen and Bannon’s other defense attorney, Evan Corcoran, have tried to use the criminal case to search for documents that might show how political forces at the Biden administration or Justice Department have chosen to target Bannon and make an example out of him for defying the congressional panel loathed by Trump-loyal Republicans. They tried to claim that DOJ memos protecting a president’s staff gave Bannon permission to ignore the Jan. 6 panel’s congressional subpoena. They tried to fall back on the idea that Bannon was merely following the advice of his other attorney, Bob Costello. And they tried to drag House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and other members of Congress into court to testify.

However, Nichols summarily shot down every one of those defensive maneuvers, leaving an exasperated Schoen to blurt out in court on Monday, “What’s the point of going to trial if there are no defenses?”

The three federal prosecutors trying the case, who have repeatedly insisted in court filings and in person that this case is a one-day slam dunk, have come out on top.

“He got a subpoena. He didn’t honor it. That’s illegal. That’s contempt. He’s being prosecuted for that. He doesn’t have any defenses. This is an open-and-shut case, so he has legal jeopardy,” Ross told The Daily Beast.

The contempt of congress case is indeed open and shut. I only wonder what other criminal referrals might be made for cobbling together Trump’s plan to ignore the election results and become ruler of the United States?

Bannon walked away from the Trump wall fraud, but I don’t think he’s going to walk away from this one. He cops this belligerent attitude, like he’s always the smartest guy in the room. You won’t believe this one. To hear him talk, he’s in the catbird seat and the January 6 Committee is facing incarceration.

Let’s see what happens. I think the court system is going go “go medieval” on Bannon, not vice versa.

At this point, if he’s got a plane gassed up and headed towards Belize, now might be the time. Or, if he can get on his Chinese billionaire buddy’s yacht and go hang out in international waters, that’s a possibility, too. Or, maybe he can hitchhike a ride on a passing UFO. Good luck, Steve. Don’t forget to write.

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  1. John Mitchell went to prison for Watergate. Perjury and obstruction of justice. Bannon has been pardoned once, but clearly a career criminal. Too bad there are not three strikes laws for political criminals.

  2. What an arrogant bastard. He and his ilk think they can say/do anything and get away with it, like laws don’t apply to them. He and his dipstick crony, Roger Stone, deserve to be thrown into prison and the key thrown away. Let em rot there.


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