I guess we can use some comic relief in the ramp up to the midterm election. Why not? You knew things were pretty batty and when you read this story, you’ll know that all the stops are out. Anything, as they say, goes.

“Jexit” is a term used to describe a conspiracy theory whereby the Jews of the Democratic party, purportedly fed up with said party, have a collective awakening in the next 18-19 days before November 8 and decide that their one true savior is Donald Trump. I say, “when pigs fly” — make that “when pigs wear lipstick, carry Gucci and fly First Class” but I’ll go ahead and indulge the fantasy for a few minutes, as stated, for comic relief.

Here is what Jewish newsletter The Forward says:

“Jexit” is a play on the word “Brexit,” referring to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. While for most users it’s just a hashtag, Jexit is also tied to a number of existing political action committees and nonprofits, and generates interest whenever Democratic elected officials can be accused of antisemitism by Trump conservatives, as in the case of Cuomo and de Blasio.

The first iteration of the belief or fervent hope that Jews will abandon the Democratic party for Trump was “Jexodus,” an organization created by Jeff Ballabon, a 2016 Trump campaign adviser who is Jewish. He and former White House official Sebastian Gorka (who was the subject of a Forward investigation that found he had ties to Nazi groups in Hungary) announced the new group during the Conservative Political Action Conference in February of 2019.

The group changed its name to “The Exodus Movement” shortly after it was the subject of a segment on Fox News and a subsequent tweet by President Donald Trump. The Exodus Movement is now paid for by Red Sea Rising, a conservative super PAC that has so far spent more than $24,000 during the 2020 election cycle.

Fox News and other media expressed increased interest in the idea of a “Jexodus” after comments by Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar about “allegiance to a foreign country,” Israel, that generated controversy in the spring of 2019.

The organization Jexit was also established in 2019 to encourage American Jewish Democrats to “stand against antisemitism in the Democratic Party and join with Christians and Jews across the United States” to fight anti-Zionism and other perceived ills, according to registration documents. The organization, a 501(c)4 based in Florida, is operating at a $4,000 deficit, according to its most recent tax filings, and its president is Michelle Terris, a co-chair of the Jews for Trump Coalition in 2016.

Jews For Trump is not exactly knocking them dead, anymore than Jews For Jesus did when I was in college. These things go in cycles. Or maybe I should say, these things go nowhere in cycles. I did my part, however. I offered to form a group called Sheeny Shiksas For Jews, and cook latkes and what have you.

Here is an actress, model, whatever, by the name of Siggy Flicker and she wants to tell you all about Jexit.

Who? Why you mean you don’t recognize Siggy Flicker? Why, she was “on every show on TV.” What’s wrong with you?

She was on the last two seasons of Real Housewives Of New Jersey and if you can find a vast television bibliography beyond that, please bring it here and share with the rest of the class.

Here’s Siggy’s “acting career” encapsulated.

Does anybody watch this shit? Seriously? Because you would have to pay me to sit through this. This is painfully stupid.


Calendar November 1, friends. We want to be there with bells on, when Donald Trump gets his Defender Of Zion award. I want him to explain his buddy, Kanye’s, “Death Con 3” anti-Semitic crack.

Here’s a bonus video.

Trumpty Dumpty having a normal one.


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  1. I never cease to marvel at Jewish people who simply DON’T get that Evangelical Christians aren’t their friends. Because according to the “Christian” nutjobs any Jew who doesn’t convert to Christianity will be cast into hell on Judgement Day! So the question to ask one of these Jewish GOP supporters is why haven’t they converted to Christianity? Because if they DON’T then the same “Christians” whose support they welcome will gleefully cheer as they get sent to hell!

    As for the reality star I once again say “who?” I’ve never been a fan of any of those shows. Hell, I remember once being with a few friends when Obama made some crack about Snookie and I blurted out “who the fuck is Snookie?” I had no clue, and frankly wish I didn’t know what little I’ve learned but boy did I get some stares for my comment. As in WTF was wrong with me that I didn’t know who Snookie was. Not as bad as literally hundreds of fellow Marines staring at me in 1984 when my voice boomed across the plaza at the Henderson Hall BEQ asking “who the fuck is Prince?” but it was the same “what planet has this dumbass been living on?” look.

    Anyway, some “reality” TV star is no fucking star. It’s scripted bullshit, Always has been. Every show. I’ve got no use for it or any of the lame actors who appear in the genre.

    • Trust me denis, the vast majority of us know this very well. Always remember that “jews” for jesus are not Jews-they are christians. Those people make up a substantial portion of “jews” running around with the evang xtians. There are Jews who will support anyone in political office who says they support Israel and I fear they are none too careful about vetting those pols. Most Jews are liberal because most Jews are well-educated. The Jews who are not almost always fall into the ultra orthodox sects and those jews tend to be only educated in Torah not unlike the religious xtian schools/home schooling.

      Any ecumenicism that might exist between Jews and christians is a CYA move on the part of the Jews–we have very long memories and know we’ll need an out when whatever country we’re living in turns against us. It is why we also tend to have a bit of money: leaving in a hurry costs.

      • and yet AIPAC is pushing MAGA Republicans, as if they would be the salvation of Israel. they literally cannot see the disconnect. the severe anti Semitism is right wing, not left.

  2. Excuse me while my eyes do a pretty good impersonation of a slot machine. First, anyone dumb to fall for this shit deserves to get took. Second, there’s not enough of those fools to make any kind of difference. Finally, do ANY of these morons realize that the original version, Brexit, is now such an embarrassment that no person in the UK who wants to remain a regularly invited pundit can say that word out loud?

  3. I got a gig on a reality show 15 years ago. The show is still on and it’s one of the more popular shows. They signed a contract to pay me in cash for a 2 hour gig before I left the taping. The whole 4 hours I was stuck there was 100% staged. When the show aired, nothing was in the same order it was filmed. It took 2 mos. and a threat from an attorney to get paid. That was after the episode aired and I had honored my agreement not to tell anyone about the gig until it aired.

  4. There has always seemed to be a vast impenetrable divide between those Jews who vote GOP (Trump) – around 23% nationwide, and those that regularly vote Dem – around 75% with 2% or so independent – usually Green Party. I notice it within my Jewish family. When we get together with those who are GOP & voted for Trump we do not ever bring that up, and everyone seems to get along good. The ones who tend to vote GOP tend to be the most orthodox-religious ones (but not all of them). I do not see or foresee any noticeable shift coming from any such fake Jexit propaganda. You must have gone deep into the internet to find this because I have never heard of this. Any Jewish person who might be influenced by such nonsense would have already been swayed to vote GOP & Trump long ago. Most Jews in NY consider Lee Zeldin a NAZI loving traitor. Perhaps there will be a few extra Jews here in NY who will vote for him just because he self-identifies as Jewish, but hard to believe he will peel off more than a few percent of the Jewish vote, who will largely, like me, be voting for Hochul for Governor of NY on Nov. 8.


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