If there is one distinguishing characteristic which cuts across all of Trump world, it is an elitist disconnect from reality. You see it with Sidney Powell and her fantasies, Rudy Giuliani is universally laughed at for the clownish scenarios he has created, everywhere from suggesting Trump announce he had won on election night to the legendary appearance at Four Seasons landscaping; and now we find out John Eastman is out there with the worst of them as well.

It’s not the least bit surprising. Eastman got some level of fulfillment from all the attention showered on him when he was cobbling together a tenuous and far fetched legal theory as to how Mike Pence could overturn the election, thereby enabling Trump to overthrow the duly elected government and stay in power.

Now, the New York Times reveals details of the January 6 Committee’s Wednesday filing and one of those details is Eastman’s Marie Antoinette-ish conclusion to an exchange he had with Greg Jacobs, Mike Pence’s lawyer, the day of the Capitol riot.

Mr. Eastman, the conservative lawyer who advised Mr. Trump that Vice President Mike Pence could throw out electoral votes from states he had lost, conceded during a conversation with Mr. Pence’s top lawyer, Greg Jacob, that his arguments carried no legal weight and would fail before the Supreme Court.

A rejection of electors by the vice president would be a “relatively minor violation” of federal law, Mr. Eastman acknowledged, agreeing with Mr. Jacob’s assessment that even the most conservative justices would reject it.

“If this case got to the Supreme Court, we’d lose 9-0, wouldn’t we?” Mr. Jacob recalled telling Mr. Eastman, according to his interview with the committee. “And he started out at 7 to 2. And I said, ‘Who are the two?’ And he said, ‘Well, I think maybe Clarence Thomas.’ And I said: ‘Really? Clarence Thomas?’ And so we went through a few Thomas opinions and, finally, he acknowledged, ‘Yeah, all right, it would be 9-0.’”

The committee recently received documents from the National Archives that showed some of Mr. Trump’s activities on Jan. 6. Among them were a morning meeting that included his eldest son’s fiancée, Kimberly Guilfoyle — who has turned over 110 pages of documents to the committee and was issued a subpoena on Thursday — a call with former Senator Kelly Loeffler, Republican of Georgia, and a call with Mr. Pence as he tried to persuade the vice president to go along with his plans.

As the mob attacked the Capitol, Mr. Eastman and Mr. Jacob exchanged a series of emails.

“Thanks to your bullshit, we are now under siege,” Mr. Jacob wrote at 12:14 p.m., shortly after pro-Trump rioters began attacking the complex, chanting, “Hang Mike Pence!”

“It was gravely, gravely irresponsible for you to entice the president with an academic theory that had no legal viability,” Mr. Jacob wrote in a subsequent email. […]

At 4:45 p.m., with the Capitol still under attack, Mr. Eastman wrote to Mr. Jacob, “When this is over, we should have a good bottle of wine at a nice dinner someplace.”

Here is this addlepated, insensitive swine, a disgrace to the legal profession — and currently under investigation by the State Bar of California, I might add — who indicates here how oblivious he was to the fray that he caused. Death, destruction and mayhem were occurring that afternoon and all he could think about was kicking back with the other lawyer and reminiscing.

You well remember that over 150 police officers were injured, two Capitol police officers committed suicide and five other people were killed in the worst carnage the Capitol had seen since 1814.

But to John Eastman, it’s all a lark. Let’s go have a drink. The coup d’etat didn’t work, oh well. I’ll think of something else, I guess.

Again, coming from Trump world, it is not the least bit surprising. These people live for themselves, grifting money, and the staging of performative art. They don’t care that they are damaging America. It never even crosses their mind.

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  1. In the 1-6 Committee’s statement describing Eastman and Trump entering a “criminal conspiracy” how did Rudy the Worm’s name get omitted from the accusation when it has been reported that the whole scheme was basically his idea……Eastman just filled in the blanks???

    Could the Worm have cut a “deal” and be singing behind closed doors???

    • No, they’re still trying to get to him through others. (James, who pleaded guilty this week, was with Rudy that morning.)


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