You’re probably aware of the wild scene in Atlanta today, with Brian Kemp signing into law a bill that will disenfranchise voters of color, which includes voting by mail and greater legislative control over how elections are run. The latter provision is most unfortunate because it feeds into the Big Lie narrative that the 2020 election was stolen.

If you didn’t hear, Democratic state rep Park Cannon was arrested by Capitol Police for knocking on Kemp’s door when he was recording a news item about the legislation. The bill was filled with “voter suppression tactics” according to Democratic Georgia senate minority leader Gloria Butler, who also said, “We are witnessing right now a massive and unabashed assault on voting rights unlike anything we’ve seen since the Jim Crow era.”  

Now bearing all that in mind take a look at the results of a Georgia focus group and if this doesn’t keep you awake nights, nothing will. The Triad:

Here are the three most relevant facts about them:

  • Half voted for Trump; half voted for Biden.
  • All of them voted for both Warnock and Ossoff.
  • And all of them voted for Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Does that blow your mind right there? They voted for QAnon queen Greene?

I’m sorry, there’s one more relevant fact: None of them plan on getting a COVID vaccine.

Sarah reported a number of interesting claims from these groups. For instance:

  • None of them knew much about MTG and her conspiracy theories.
  • None of them was at all bothered by MTG’s attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election.
  • Most of them believed that Joe Biden had not yet done anything important as president and many complained that he had not yet held a press conference.
  • When asked what MTG’s accomplishments in Congress were, the group’s general response was, “Hey, give her a chance. She just got there.”

What are we supposed to do as a nation if this is the quality of intellect among the citizenry? Because there aren’t enough Falcon Heavy rockets in the world to solve the problem.

This is frightening, but this is what you get nowadays. The dumbing down of America is complete. We are living in idiocracy. Forget about critical thinking skills, or the commitment to knowing what’s going on in the world in a basic way. Emotional impressions gained from flickering images on the tube are all that matter.

In his press conference today, Joe Biden made reference to autocracy v. democracy. That is indeed the crossroads we’re at.

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  1. Would you expect anything less from a state which after receiving complaints about the Confederate Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia mistakenly referred to as the “Confederate flag” or the “Starts and Bars” appearing on it’s state flag simply switched to using the actual First National Confederate States flag, the real “Stars and Bars”, and simply put the Georgia State seal within the circle of stars in the canton???

    Ol’ Jimmy Crow is alive and well in the great state of Georgia.

    • You know, the great irony of Georgia is that James Oglethorpe founded Georgia as a free colony, where slavery was not simply not approved of, but banned outright.

  2. What were the criteria for putting this focus group together? it doesn’t say. Nor does it say who put it together or for what purpose. If all the participants voted for Marjorie Greene, the focus group must be from her congressional district in the NW corner of GA bordering Tennessee and Alabama. It’s supposed to be one of the most conservative parts of GA. Marjorie Greene, unfortunately, was a lock. There wasn’t even a Democratic opponent. Also, she was brand new to the area, I don’t think anyone knew who she was (and evidently they still don’t). But the fact that they all voted for both Warnock & Ossoff, well that’s good. But the ones who voted for Trump probably did it because Trump told them not to vote for Loeffler and Perdue, to stick it to McConnell, while the half voting for Biden probably did it for straightforward reasons. So really the most surprising thing is that half voted for Biden, that’s pretty good. On the other hand, what does that really mean? Maybe they created the focus group to be 50/50. Yet the half who voted for Biden were not concerned about the attempt to overturn the election results and have no plans to get the Covid vaccine? Then why the hell did they vote for Biden? As far as them not knowing anything about Marjorie Greene’s ideas or anything Biden has done, that’s probably more a reflection of being out of reach of any real news sources. I’m telling you, Fox News and RW radio are a BIG problem in this country, probably the biggest of all.

  3. “Most of them believed that Joe Biden had not yet done anything important as president and many complained that he had not yet held a press conference.”

    Let’s see. Biden’s been President for just over two months. How many press conferences did Donald Trump give in his 4 years in office? (And, no. Twitter blasts do NOT count as a “press conference.”)

  4. Makes sense. They hated Trump-voted for Biden. Heard about Purdue/Loeffler corruption-voted Ossof/Warnock.
    Apart from that, they would vote for a dog turd if it had an (R) next to it.


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