Reality Meets Fantasy. And In Trumptopia, Fantasy Wins. Which Is Bad.


This is not a joke. The premise may be a joke, and the inept, 3 Stooges procedure may be a joke, but the potential outcome is no joke. Because it eats away at the very foundation of our democracy.

On the comedy front, the Arizona GOP Senate mandated recount of the 2020 election continues. To be clear, this abysmal farce is nothing more or less than a ceremonial show. The election has already been certified by the US Congress. It is not a certified audit called for by any authorized state agency. In short, it’s a partisan dog-and-pony show. And it will ultimately produce a totally worthless show result tilted by the people who are paying for it in the direction they want. It changes nothing.

The problem is that it is spreading. Today, the Michigan controlled legislature announced that it is hiring the same stilted, partisan company, Cyber Ninjas, to conduct an independent audit of the Michigan 220 election results. And just like the Arizona recount, it will have absolutely no legitimacy, and the result will change nothing.

But here’s the real problem here. This continued cheap stunts only serve to continue to perpetuate the Trump Big Lie. Because the Republican party is now officially the Cult Of Trump, and the only way that a cult can survive is if the Big Lie is perpetuated and confirmed. Once it is no longer viable, then the only solution left is to burn down the compound.

This is important because the continuing GOP bullshit about the 2020 election being stolen allows them to keep their brainless sheeple at a high froth, and there is a 2022 midterm election looming on the horizon. And the longer the GOP can keep this scam going, the easier it becomes for them to continue to explain away any 2022 losses as just a continuation of Stop The Steal!

Look, even the GOP has had to admit to itself that it has pretty much been relegated to the position of a permanent minority party. Their base is consistently shrinking, and thanks to Trump, they have no chance of growing it. Their only chance to retain any kind of power and relevancy is to maintain tight control of deep red states, and use gerrymandering to manage to try to maintain at least a majority in the House of Representatives, allowing then to stall any Democratic efforts to govern. That and the filibuster rule that shitheads like Joe Manchin refuse to reform.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant. But most parasites thrive by staying out of the sunlight. The longer that the GOP can continue to propel The Big Lie forward, the longer the GOP can avoid having to burn down the compound. You may never be able to manage to make the true believers see the light, but the more that you can put sunshine on the whole thing, the more you can convince the others that it was all never anything more than a scam.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. “Stupidity & jealousy do not equal harmony.” John Prine. There was a time in human history that better tolerated our collective blindness & selfishness. That time is over. The arrogance of our species, like that of some individuals, says we can do whatever we want today without sending ripples into the future. Planet don’t lie. We do. Dinosaurs 240 million years. Homo sapiens, few hundred thousand years at best. 3-4 million years for our ancestors. Math don’t lie. Homo sapiens do. Time for survival folks. Having a cult run our country will lead to mass suicide. Fact. Personally, if I wanted that fate, I would have gone to Guyana with reverend jimbo & drank grape juice. At least there, I was promised I could see Jesus. The republicans just want more houses, stock, yachts, & influence. I’ll take Jesus every time. Bottoms up bitches.


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