Yes, you guessed it. The main song here is “Don’t Arraign On His Parade.” I hope Donald gets a chance to see this before he flies down to Georgia. It isn’t everybody who gets arrested four times in an entire lifetime, let alone in one year. Hell, he’s been arrested four times in a four months, the first time was in Manhattan in April.

In any event, you will enjoy the wonderful spoof that Randy Rainbow has come up with.

I hope Trump gets to see this little ditty. Although it would probably bounce off of him. He doesn’t have the ability to laugh at himself — which is ostensibly what got us all in this mess, an offhand crack that Barack Obama made about Trump running for president at the White House Correspondent’s dinner. Legend has it that Trump decided he would make Obama eat those words. And probably in truth, Obama would never have made the crack if he thought for a moment that something like what we have seen was even possible.

Most likely Obama had an unrealistic faith in the Republican party and figured that they would police their own and never do anything as insane as put Donald Trump on the top of their ticket. And I certainly understand that. I didn’t think it was possible either, until it happened.

As to America getting hoodwinked, all I can say is that this is one time that the worst angels of our nature prevailed. Mary Trump made a comment that the first time she saw the slogan Love Trumps Hate, she read it as Love Trump’s Hate, meaning that the MAGAs do precisely that. They love Trump’s hate. He hates the same people they do — which is everybody basically. And what the MAGAs can’t grasp is that Trump hates them more than anybody.

It’s going to be a wild 14 months.

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  1. Terrific RR parody. Your reference to Mr Mango has “… been arrested four times in a four months …” doesn’t look good in they eyes, of say, the Cantonese Chinese. You see the number 4 in Cantonese is sometimes considered an unlucky number because the way it is pronounced in Cantonese dialect is nearly the same as their word death. Also, you say “… It’s going to be a wild 14 months…” is where the 1 indicates, in Cantonese, it’s ‘most definitely death’. In sum, he is now ‘living in interesting times’ and is heading for a ‘political death’. [In no way is this post wishing on him his personal death. He has to serve his mortal time, and pay for his sins].

  2. Hey, I’m a ‘straightish’ white man, (hey I settled the issue of homophobia long ago), and this ‘guy’ is a hilarious and talented genius. Thank ‘god’ the world isn’t just filled with boring a$$ white men in suits.

  3. Randy just keeps getting better. Each new production ups the WOW factor significantly. Great job, RR. BTW, love the cute bob wig and little black hat on you, gurl!


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