Today, at the two day QAnon event “ReAwaken America” in Mannheim, Pennsylvania, from the same stage GOP Gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano, Eric Trump, Mike Lindell and Michael Flynn will later disgrace, gold and silver “cycle-analyst” and general nutcase Bo Polny who uses “the Biblical Daniel’s Timeline to make predictions on the market,” provided an informative list of famous politicians… and one noted Jewish investor… who will meet their demise later this year, and so sadly be unable to take full advantage of the coming soaring gold and silver prices, but thankfully will be spared the second coming of drumpf.

Not really sure how come he included Michelle in his threat but missed Barack – after all he’s marked both the Clintons, along with Chris Matthews and, just to be bipartisan, I suppose, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp.

Go figure.

Here’s the rant:


And the FBI can serve…

Amen to that!




‘Fraid so.

Yeah, what’s with that?




And Polny may not even be the biggest nut in the fruitcake:

How’s Eric Trump gonna follow those two?

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  1. Why is it that these total fruitcakes always have to shout their messages? Do they think the audience is deaf? Brain dead is more like it.

  2. Blasphemous to the nth degree, especially violating the teachings of the Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, & Islam. Pride cometh before a fall.

    • Almost–ALMOST–makes you wish this country really had some anti-blasphemy laws. It’d be absolutely hilarious to watch the hypothetical Religious Protectors rounding up all these “Prosperity Gospel” fools as well as these “Christian Nationalists.”

      The jails would become so overcrowded they’d have to let out all the folks in for non-violent drug offenses.

  3. I will never understand why xtians bring up the Book of Daniel. It is a book about a Jew getting a prophecy for Jews. Xtians do not even enter into the calculus except as a warning of the final evil facing Jews. The prophecy was given to us–we actually know wtf it means.

    • The majority of these shallow puddles have no clue about the history, context, or evolution of any of the books of the Bible. Clueless. Why they even forget that, if not for a former Pharesee named Saul, there would be NO such thing as a ‘Christianity’ composed of non Jews. All the members of original believers were Jews, and it was hotly contested whether the gentiles would be allowed to join. Seek and ye shall find. Most just want easy answers, shallow knowledge, and a get out of jail free card for whatever reality lies beyond the grave. That way they can make up whatever they want to believe without question. All religions have members like this including Judaism, but the evangelical nazis have taken it to new depths of arrogance melded with ignorance.

    • Well we have seen a few of those now – there was a guy in Germany who did a pretty good job, and now a new fella trying his damndest to be the ‘bestest’ in that category altho thank goodness he got ousted before he could get too true to type, but if he manages it again we know what is possible since we have seen it before !


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