When I first got wind of this I thought that Laurence Tribe was talking about Alan Dershowitz. But no, he’s talking about the other Fox News constitutional law whore for hire, Johnathan Turley. Why Turley is following Dershowitz to the Dark Side is a mystery to many people, but Tribe isn’t sitting still for it. He has come right out and said that Turley is not only wrong about the law, he’s missing the point — which I would opine has to be deliberate on Turley’s part. He’s no idiot, he knows what the constitution says. And so does Tribe. Cue the Star Wars music and pick your champion. The light sabers are being drawn.

Judge Michael Luttig and members of the Federalist Society do indeed agree with Professor Tribe. Turley is off point. He’s filling the Fox News air with sophistry, the “use of a fallacious argument, especially with the intent to deceive.” His argument doesn’t hold water. Trump engaged in an attempt to overthrow the government and plain English descriptions of what he did before, during and after the January 6 Insurrection will back up that assertion. There’s plenty of evidence as to what happened to create the January 6 riot.

Turley is a Fox News hack nowadays. He’s made the decision to go over there and spew nonsense and sell himself out ethically.

I hope he rests easy with his choice in coming years. The level of intellectual dishonesty in which he is engaging in now is not going to be easy to defend in years to come. Turley is coming down on the wrong side of history doing what he’s doing. It’s amazing to watch, not to mention sad.

As Tribe pointed out, if the Supreme Court would become involved and if the conservative judges appointed by Trump would vote against blocking Trump from being on the ballot, they would have to explain why. I would like to see those arguments. I hope and pray none of us actually do, but the arguments against something this basic, as Section 3 of the 14th Amendment is, would have to be intellectually dishonest to the point of being diabolical. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

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  1. If the s.c. did not forbid trump from being on the ballot I doubt you’d see an argument/opinion from the cons. It would most definitely be on the shadow docket. Moreover, the cons on the court do not feel they answer to anybody (contrary to the constitution BTW) so they would not feel the need to put forth an argument/opinion. The cons have become arrogant pieces of sh*t and are corrupt pieces of sh*t as well. This is a sad time in the history of America’s judiciary.

  2. I’m still trying to work out why people think that a block under 14.3 would have to go to appeal to any court in order to be overturned.

    14.3 specifically states that it takes a 2/3 majority of BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS to re-instate a name on the ballot – nary a word about courts having the ability or the power.
    It’s in the Constitution for crying 0ut loud: it’s all down to a vote in Congress.

    Or has some legal eagle decided somewhere along the line that a part of the Constitution is somehow unconstitutional?


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