After taking a few warm up swings at himself, just to show he is not a towering blob of long festering insecurities and incomprehensible vainglory like his predecessor, President Joe took out the big lumber to get back at his most vehement critics last evening, with particular attention given to Tucker Carlson and Marjorie Taylor Greene, much to the delight (mostly) of the journo-types assembled.

Virginia Chamlee at for People Magazine has the skinny:

“President Joe Biden didn’t hold back at the White House Correspondents’ Association’s annual dinner on Saturday, roasting everyone from Don Lemon, Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk to politicians like Kevin McCarthy, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Ron DeSantis…

There were plenty of self-deprecating jokes by Biden, too — mainly about his age. “I believe in the First Amendment. Not just because my good friend Jimmy Madison wrote it,” he started.

“Look, I get that age is a completely reasonable issue,” he said, before joking about The New York Times’ digs bout his age. “You might think I don’t like Rupert Murdoch. That’s simply not true. How can I dislike a guy who makes me look like Harry Styles?”

But the really vicious barb unleashed against MTG took some Nerd Prom-mers aback. As much calling her drunk and confused, Biden did not hold back against his most frequent and deranged critic:

“I want everybody to have fun tonight, but please be safe. If you find yourself disoriented or confused, either you’re drunk or Marjorie Taylor Greene,” he began.“

Whoo boy, somebody’s gonna be mad!

Sarah Reese Jones of PoliticusUsa has the video.

And, for those who prefer YouTube here are Biden’s full remarks:

I enjoyed Sarah’s replies:

She does like her boys in blue…



Me too, Derrick.

Fok indeed.

Still yet…

Biden, like Obama before him, is proving himself perfectly capable of defending himself and his family from the patently false and unhinged accusations of his detractors.

Watch the whinging peddlers of phony aggrievement and lies gnash their teeth and cry.

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  1. “Biden, like Obama before him, is proving himself perfectly cabal of defending himself and his family from the patently false and unhinged accusations of his detractors.”

    Dino, I don’t know if you can edit this piece now that it’s posted but I think you meant to write “capable” instead of “cabal.” The two words are NOT remotely similar in meaning (they’re not even similar grammatically–the word you used is a noun).

  2. Good to see Uncle Joe come out swinging, and I particularly like the one he threw at MTG. Big Foot is like the mango mandrill. Poke them and they incriminate themselves.

  3. The President channeled a sports legend, who described his practice of “the Sweet Science” (boxing if you don’t know) as “Float like a butterfly – sting like a bee!” The remarks weren’t as hard hitting & as often as in the SOTU, but I’m starting to think Biden is a political version of Ali. And that he’s a much more wily old fart than maybe we realize in that while his age has the NYT and others looking around for their fainting couches, with their probable increasing focus on it he’s going to “Rope-a-Dope” their a$$es in the end.

    That’s part of why if Trump winds up being the GOP nominee anything within a thousand miles of fair rules for debates will cause the flaming orange human shaped rectum from Mar A Lago to find some way, ANY way to get out of them. Even if it means some public humiliation because Trump knows side-by-side Biden IS still all there mentally and he (Trump) is not.

  4. Biden’s timing is great, especially for a person that stutters. I am sure he is an inspiration to others afflicted with such, even if he isn’t with the lazy and ignorant people that want to amplify the issue of his age. I am 15 years younger than him and would have to do a whole lot of reforming and rehabilitating to do half of what he does, so I get the age thing. Some things you can still do and some things you can’t. He knows what he can do and he does.

    As to roasting the press and others, I loved it. He needs to raise hell for the next year and a half and keep on the shades.

  5. Biden and Roy Wood Jr were great. Learned a lot more on Roy Wood. Impressive background. Now……Joe. I may get slammed for this….but he’s too old to run again. He’s getting bodily feeble. Make you a bet his hearing is having issues. Watched him at the table…..I’m super concerned that if he runs and a younger Repug runs – the younger one will beat him. Just saying.

  6. The only flaw in the zinger is that MTG is so lacking in self-awareness that she has no way to “find herself” disoriented and confused – or in any other ondition – if she is ever in any other condition.

  7. Note to the magat cult…a man who gets a call at Christmas, that his beautiful wife and daughter are dead, and his young sons are in the hospital injured, is one tough survivor. I wouldn’t expect self important, poorly educated, christo-fascist, snowflakes, born to wealth, to grasp anything about him. He has what Dr. King called the most important possession a person can have, i.e., CHARACTER. They are empty bags of skin sleepwalking to the grave.

  8. I bet Marj spent all night tracking down a writer to give her a counterpoint to old Joe. Keep saying he’s old and over the hill. By the way he’s wondering if you can get a raise on your lunch allotment. He’s getting tired of eating your cheap lunches. Wants you to kick the cuisine up a notch. Maybe be more like your boss and start getting some McDonald’s. Yep, anyone thinking Joe isn’t up for it ain’t paying attention. I tell you what. Just seen on YouTube, Chuck Norris practicing karate. He’s 82. Go mouth off to him if you got good dental. He’s looking pretty dam good for 82.

  9. Missed this stuff during the Diaper Don years. It shows a great deal of intelligence/wit/etc. to be able to do this sort of thing. I can see why Diapers avoided it like the plague.

    It will be fun to see just how many gaskets Kooky Pants blows. The incomprehensible nonsense that will spew from her mouth will be quite a sight I’m sure.


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