Political Whack-A-Mole


This just keeps getting better and better. Let’s be honest, for anybody who has an IQ above room temperature, and can actually tie their shoes, Trump is about as toxic as a Chernobyl flower pot.

Trump is toxic with white suburban women voters, he and the GOP have The Lincoln Project threatening dire consequences for any American companies that make donations to the current iteration for the GOP, or to any incumbents who have sworn fealty to Trump. And dozens of large US corporations have already shut off their funding for the GOP, rather than risk a backlash on social media for backing a party stuffed full of Q-Anon morons.

That is an extremely serious serious problem for Ronna Romney McDaniel and the RNC to deal with, and deal with it they must. But the funny thing is, the national GOP isn’t the only group that needs money to effectively function. The state GOP parties also depend on donations to function effectively, and one by one, they are stepping forward to plight their troth to His Lowness;

  • The Wyoming state GOP voted to censure at large, state representative Liz Cheney for voting to impeach Trump on the floor vote, demanded an apology, and also demanded that she return any funding that the state party gave her for her 2020 reelection campaign
  • The Nebraska state GOP sanctioned Senator Ben Sasse for the second time regarding his statements on Traitor Tot, and demanded an apology
  • The Arizona state GOP voted to censure the widow of Vietnam war hero John McCain for statement she made leading up to the 2020 general election
  • The Arizona state GOP then turned around and censured their own GOP Governor, Doug Ducey, for not intervening to change the official election results to give the state to Trump
  • And just to ride the rocket, and get the triple play, today the Arizona Senate came within one vote of holding the Maricopa County Registrars office in contempt for refusing to turn over confidential voter ballots for purposes of checking their legitimacy, risking them all with imprisonment for contempt of congress.
  • The Michigan state GOP today removed to fire the one commissioner who crossed the aisle to certify the state’s election results, bringing to a crashing halt a plot to overturn the state’s official election results

Welcome to the post Trump GOP. The national GOP is desperately trying to shore up their contribution base, especially from large donors, while convincing said donors that the party is not overrun by brain dead Trombies. And at the same time, they have multiple state GOP entities, which also require donations, falling into line with their continuing fealty to Trump.

But here’s the real, ironic beauty. When these sycophantic, dysfunctional group of state GOP parties continue to slaver over His Lowness, when they run dry on donations to fund their state operations, where do you think they’re going to turn to for help?

The fucking RNC of course! And why they are trying like hell to convince big pocket donors that they aren’t full of bomb throwing anarchists and racists, their own state parties are walking right on over the edge to follow Glorious Bleater. How can this go wrong?

If you enjoyed this article, you might also like to check out President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange . They comprise a pretty much daily report from the front of the 2016 GOP primaries, as well as the general election

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  1. I imagine at the state level these idiots are imagining buckets of money from grassroots donations like Democrats have learned to raise. Not a bad theory, in theory at least. Reality however is waiting to slap them in the face. The hard core working class voters they are counting on are devoted to Trump like members of any cult are devoted to their leader. Given the choice between sending those dollars directly to Trump’s PAC, or indirectly via buying their Trumpy Bears, as well as (China made!) MAGA hats and other MAGA gear guess where the disposable income that they use for political donations will go? To TRUMP of course! Now, Trump will promise the state GOP folks that he’ll funnel them the money they need when the time comes. However us sane and rational people know he’ll stiff them and keep virtually all of it for himself. He’ll give them the old “two most common lies guys tell” routine, and they will keep waiting for the check and eventually wind up with a disgustingly nasty as only Trump could provide taste in their mouths!

    • All that, of course, is assuming that Trump remains at his current level of free and financially solvent. With everything coming his way at state and federal levels, to say nothing of his creditors squeezing him, hardly a safe bet.

      • What happens when his loans come due? I wonder if he actually owes the russians a boatload of money? I wonder if he’s seen what happened to Denzel Washington at the end of Training Day? He only owed one million. Uh oh.

        • Oh, Scott…Deutche Bank alone is a scarier set to owe money to. The Russians will just kill or maim you. Those international bankers will destroy your life while letting you live.

      • Most of the money he collected for lawsuits to change the results ended up in his own accounts – his history of donating to anyone else is approximately no money going to others.

  2. All this seems to equal endless headaches in 2022 and beyond. I wouldn’t be surprised if the state parties try taking over the national one with the same lack of coherence and forethought that the MAGA-heads tried taking over the Capitol.


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