You’ve heard the old saw about how there are two things you don’t want to see made, sausage and legislation. Add to that a third, legislative sessions where Matt Gaetz is passing nude photos of his sexual conquests under the table to his Republican buddies. That’s the latest development in a saga which Rachel Maddow calls “deep space strange” and it may be the last straw.

Gaetz is not liked. That has been the case for some time. Daily Beast:

Four years into his House career, Gaetz’s theatrics have put off Democrats and Republicans alike. His visit to Wyoming in February to host a rally condemning House GOP Conference Chair Liz Cheney (R-WY) for her vote to impeach Trump rubbed many the wrong way, even if they opposed Cheney’s vote.

“Even the Republican Party doesn’t like him very much,” said a Republican operative familiar with the Florida congressional delegation. […]

It was not surprising to some observers that the wagons didn’t circle around Gaetz in the explosive 24 hours after the scandal, even as the congressman produced documents that lent some weight to his extortion claims. “I don’t think a lot of people are going to go out of their way to defend him, especially with this outlandish-sounding defense,” one GOP staffer said. “I don’t think you’ll find a lot of people who are desperate to keep him involved in Republican politics.”

The cartoonishly scandalous perception of Gaetz is so commonplace that sometimes it’s visible, literally, in the halls of Congress. A Hill source sent The Daily Beast a photo of a trash bin outside Gaetz’s office as lawmakers cleared out their offices at the end of a recent session. At the top of the heap was an empty Costco-size box of “Bareskin” Trojan condoms.

Gaetz apparently thinks this frat boy humor is endearing and maybe it is to some, but they don’t all seem to be rushing forward at once. Has anybody heard a word from Donald Trump? No. And you won’t.

I think McCarthy is going to have to remove Gaetz from his committees or Nancy Pelosi will do something. This is ridiculous, even for this iteration of the GOP which is a Busby Berkeley/P.T. Barnum production.


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  1. Per my man Hoarse Whisperer a few minutes ago, Gaetz left a digital backtrail in the form of…cash sharing apps. At this point, he might as well just march his ass to the nearest jail cell and await trial.

      • I once freaked out a man at my cash register by calling him by his last name and casually saying that I read his mind. Then I had to point out that what I had really done is read the name on his check. Gaetz just used that same kind of blinkered mindset for criminal activity.

  2. She comes on like a dream, peaches & creme…lips like strawberry wine. She’s 17, She’s jailbait, I’ll do time…

  3. Too immature to hold the government position. Too dumb to stand up for any principles. Cold showers for him in the future too bad but now he won’t tarnish our government with his lies.


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