One thing Donald Trump brought into our political discourse is the idea that whoever has the most flamboyant soundbite is somehow the winner of the debate. Matt Gaetz is a devotee of the Trump school of superficial idiocy posing as advocacy. That was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt today when he mixed it up with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Mark Milley. Take a few minutes and watch these exchanges if you have not already. They illuminate the difference between the erudite consideration of ideas and right-wing trolling better than anything in recent memory.

He’s not the only showboating idiot in Congress. His cohorts Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert are right there with him. This is about show biz, trolling and money to them. They lack the intellect and the world experience to be decent legislators. They have no business in government. If we are very very lucky Gaetz will soon be gone due to his legal issues and Boebert and Green will be defeated in 2022. I’m pretty sure Boebert will but Greene may endure, sadly. But hey, two out of three ain’t bad, right?



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  1. “ Matt Gaetz is a showboating idiot without the slightest clue of what it means to respect our military.”

    As far as I can tell, Gaetz is “without the slightest clue” about damned near everything.

    He’s going to have a really rough go of it in prison.

  2. Thank you for sharing this. I will totally take the General’s response forward as I discuss this issue because that was a four star answer from a four star general putting a fourth rate buffoon in his place, lol.

    • Both of these military leaders were right. Gaetz came off as a smirking frat boy and not a leader at all. He interrupted the gentlemen when they were speaking, even though they let him talk. But I think that Gaetz realized he made a complete ass of himself, and that’s why he doubled down afterwards.


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