Mike Pence doesn’t get it that it’s over. It was over the minute Donald Trump sent the mob down to the Capitol amidst cries of “Hang Mike Pence” and “Fuck Mike Pence.” Pence ran for his life through the Capitol tunnels, but he still seems to think that he’s got some razor’s edge to maintain, some balancing act that will allow him to stay in politics and run for president, if he only handles it right. Wrong.

Pence doesn’t appeal anymore to the hard core Trump fanatics. He has never had much appeal for moderates. Trump is the deity and you either follow the deity blindly or you’re toast if you want to win over the base. It really is that simple.

No Mike, you’re a coward, a phony and a sycophant — in that order.

Hate to break it to you, Mike, but Ron DeSantis is the face of the party right now, not you. Oh, you may hang onto some notion of a playbook, and yes, generally speaking, a former vice president has a terrific shot at the top job. We’re living in that reality right now, as we speak. But the GOP playbook got torn to shreds, burnt, and scattered on the wind when Donald Trump came down the escalator. And maybe the last one to figure that out is going to be you, Mike. So it would appear.

The establishment Republicans don’t like you because you didn’t speak up in time. You don’t fit in with the Romney/Cheney faction. Likewise, you betrayed the base, the way they see it, so you don’t fit in there. Everybody else is a bunch of cowards that go with every change of the wind, the McCarthy/Stefanik crowd, but they’re followers, not leaders and you don’t appeal to them anyway. So where is your base? Who’s going to put you in office?

You are never going to wash the stench of Trump off of you, and the rubes are never going to forgive you for not backing Trump’s insane play and attempting the impossible. Ain’t gonna happen. Give it up now. There’s only repeats of today to come.



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  1. He’s still living in the fantasy world that got him the VP job in the first place. The ONLY reason he got that slot was because Trump NEEDED him to win over the Bible-thumpers and once he managed to hoodwink them but good, Pence was no longer a factor for Trump. Trump could’ve just as easily replaced Pence on the ticket and the “Faith & Freedom” folks wouldn’t have cared in the slightest. The “Faith & Freedom” folks turned into the “Faith & Fascism” folks during Trump’s four years.

      • I believe it came from his known qualifiers, his horrible treatments planned for women getting an abortion, proof of natural aborted fetus … real checks for monthly periods the maximum bizarre and unnatural treatments for women, and yet, he was all about, “MOTHER”, his wife and her rules … a mixed bag of gas for the women in his State, just what Trump was looking for, a man who would not flinch whenever Trump was doing his best to control and degrade women, any one other than his pet daughter … of course …

      • Answer: Cory Leandowski, Steve Bannon and the Russians. You might want to review the stories surrounding the Republican National Convention in 2016.

      • It was to get the x-tiians in line. Without Pence it was thought they would stay home in 2016.

        The one good thing to come out of all this is now everyone knows the extent of x-tian hypocrisy. The number of people saying they belong to that religion, especially the evangs, is shrinking. I attribute it to what young people have been watching over the years, particularly the past four, and getting completely disgusted. Sometimes you have to hunt real hard for that silver lining but generally you can find it.

  2. It is a weakness in democracy that the traditions built up by time and custom (“norms”) can be so easily overthrown by a single demagogue. It’s still the best system we’ve got, but it needs some guardrails in place to guard against future Trunps. I don’t know even what they might be. Or if such would be effective.

  3. Qtip is a modern day Pharisee. A sycophant, a hypocrite, a liar. The main difference, is the Pharisees were educated men. Pence is an inert chunk of goo in God’s garden.

  4. I don’t like Pence. I don’t agree with him in any way & I believe his religious views are oppressive & exclusionary. He was a weak, ineffectual & sycophantic VP. But he did do the right thing on January 7th… really the only thing he could do as far as I know. It was mostly just a redundant ceremony based on what I’ve read. Even if Pence had said the magic words the trumpers wanted to hear, it wouldn’t have changed the electoral votes. It just saddens me to see even a terrible person like pence get pilloried as a traitor for one of the few times he did things correctly. Boo & hiss at him for the actual harm he enabled… not for accurately certifying the electoral votes. So many people these days can’t seem to differentiate between their passions & the facts. These trump supporters… believing whatever they FEEL like believing… contrary to all the evidence in the world… just scare the hell out of me.

    • There wasn’t anything else he could do. The V.P. does not have the constitutional authority to do what trumpty wanted. Had trumpty ever once even glanced at the document he might not have embarrassed himself so thoroughly.

  5. Pence’s political career was over the moment the last poll closed on election night. That would have still been the case even had Trump won a second term. Sure, Pence would have hung around like Marley’s Ghost for a few years but one of two things would have happened. Either Trump and his gang would have completed the turning of our country into a totalitarian state, or once Trump’s time was done (either because he died or decided he’d insulated himself enough from legal consequences for his life of crime to enjoy “Dictator Emritus” status type retirement) Pence had ZERO chance of Trump annointing him as successor. Pence has never understood that. What amazes me is that after Jan. 6. Pence still harbors his delusions of grandeur about taking over as the GOP standard bearer!

    • The slightest whiff of power is like crack to a regular user for most, if not all, of the members of the G.Q.P. If you look at it through that lens yertle, mccarthy and the rest start to make sense. Otherwise why else put up with the pain, the headaches, and now I’m sure threats to your health and life from trumpty’s base.


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