How did politics become inverted like this? There was a time and it didn’t seem to be all that long ago, when bright and capable people ran for public office. Sure, there were some bad eggs. There is no profession in this world that doesn’t contain a certain number of people who don’t belong in it at all. But nowadays in politics, the field seems to be attracting people who not only don’t belong there, but who are actually some of the worst people in our culture, not the best, from an objective standpoint.

The Pennsylvania primary is tomorrow and one of the races to be determined will be for the Republican senate seat candidate. Here is some breaking news on both of them in the past 15 hours. Mehmet Oz, in a display of gross insensitivity went out to a gun rally with Ted Nugent, less than 24 hours after the horrific mass shooting in Buffalo, New York.

And Kathy Barnette, coming up from behind in the race after her video about being the product of a union involving the rape of her then 11-year-old mother by her 21-year-old father went viral, has had photos released of her storming the nation’s capitol the day of the insurrection.

Who knows? Maybe this will help her win the primary.

And of course Barnette has said the usual drivel about being there to support Trump and election integrity, bla bla.

Moving on to Oz.

This is what runs for both chambers of Congress on the GOP ticket. And there are even crazier people at the state and local level.

I believe Russia did take us over without firing a shot, on these facts. Nikita Khrushchev famously said in 1956, “We will take America over without firing a shot. We don’t have to invade you. We will destroy you from within.”

It looks like they succeeded to me. And I don’t think I’m being cynical, I think I’m stating the obvious.


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  1. Nothing at 1/6 was about supporting elections. It was about supporting a government takeover by the losing candidate, and *he’d been planning it for at least 4 months*.


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