Trump Says “European Union Is a Foe” – – France? Germany? FOES?


Okay, you prepare yourself all week, saying there’s not a damn thing Trump can do that will surprise me. First bump the Queen, totally possible. Call the Queen an old hag, yeah. Make the world far less safe, insult our allies? Well that was a given.

But, he did it anyway. He not only surprised, he shocked.

In news that still has the world reeling, Trump declared the European union a “foe” of the United States. These are international relations, so language is carefully crafted, and almost always understated. Since you’re stunned, here’s the dictionary definition, which is what all non-English speaking people will look to:

  1. an enemy or opponent.
    “join forces against the common foe”

Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, among many others are now our enemy or opponent.

Oh, and let Rawstory tell you:

His stunning comments come barely days after strongly insisting that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia are neither “friend nor foe” but a “competitor.”


Truly, almost unbelievable. Except, if you recall, he told us this might well be coming. He told us in his “American carnage” speech on the capital steps, minutes after becoming president, that we would make “new allies” and be willing to leave aside those that won’t join us in “fighting against Islamic extremists.”

Except this has nothing to do with Islamic extremists and everything to do with Trump doing Putin’s bidding, and, I am increasingly convinced, Trump’s own hatred of progressive democratic countries that are not taking the “nationalist” approach toward fascism. Let’s be clear, not only is Russia our friend, the EU our foe, Putin dreamed for and planned the attack to put it in place, not only all that, but it’s sort of out beyond quibble that THIS is who Trump is, this is what he believes. He does not like traditional western progressive-liberal values, and LIKES dictatorships based upon rabid nationalism, especially anti-immigrant ones. Europe isn’t ant-immigrant enough for Trump.

CBS News reports

“when asked to identify his ‘biggest foe globally right now,” Trump told the network’s Jeff Glor in Scotland, “I think we have a lot of foes.” I think the European Union is a foe, what they do to us in trade. Now, you wouldn’t think of the European Union, but they’re a foe. Russia is foe in certain respects. China is a foe economically, certainly they are a foe.”

Asked who is our foe, the EU came up first, Russia was mentioned but qualified with “in some respects.”


No EU member just attempted to kill a former dissident/spy on UK soil in a way that DID kill a UK citizen. No EU member kills journalists or political enemies.

You bastard.

Oh, he makes it about money:

“I respect the leaders of those countries,” the American president said of the nations he just mentioned. “But, in a trade sense, they’ve really taken advantage of us and many of those countries are in NATO and they weren’t paying their bills.”

I used to think everything came down to money with Trump. But, here, he’s a damn liar. This isn’t about money at all. This is about who Trump likes, what Trump respects, what Trump wants the world to become, including the United States. It’s not about “trade” either.


And now Trump goes in for his annual performance review with Putin. Unlike any other American president, Trump won’t allow anyone else in the room. (Interpreters don’t count and I’d have ours having someone else taste his food and stay away from crosswalks for a long long time, even though they’re sworn to secrecy. Shit, OUR interpreter is probably a Russian agent.

THIS MAN must go, because he’s not 2 years into his presidency and he clearly is going to push our allies out of the way to make Russia our closest ally. It’s coming. Watch.

Oh, and don’t forget to watch the Republicans do abso-fucking-lutely nothing.

I am stunned, honest.

Twitter: We need to spread the word, @MiciakZoom

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