Alright, gang, I want you all to tell me that you’re seeing this, too. This getting a bit too weird even for Donald Trump. Now he’s using Star Wars references. Trumpty Dumpty has had another meltdown on Truth Social, wedged in amongst his fundraising requests and golf links. Of course he’s putting Mike Pence down. But calling him a liar as well?

This is a memorable day. I’ll tell you why. All the Republicans quake in fear that Trump will do to them exactly what he’s doing to his former VP. DeSantis, McCarthy. Graham, the whole lot, they have nightmares that Trump will take to social media, or God forbid, the microphone at a rally and say about them what he’s saying about Pence here.

This is the punishment they seek to avoid at all costs, the excommunication from MAGA. Pence was never popular with MAGA in the first place, so it is a certain bit of poetic justice that Pence would suffer the fate that the others so scrupulously avoid.

And how comical that Trump is saying he once read something in the main stream media about Pence. Trump hates the mainstream media. Or, did I misinterpret that? Is a “major magazine” Breitbart, or Gateway Pundit or the like? We may never know.

This is hilarious. Now let’s wait for the next shoe to drop and see what Pence does. And maybe one of us should dust off our copy of Everything Trump Touches Dies and send it to Mike.

But I’ll tell you what’s good about this: Pence has absolutely nothing to lose now. So either Trump A) found out Pence had flipped on him, or B) figures Pence will flip on him, so screw him, Trump will get ahead of the narrative.

Either way, Pence should just sell Trump down the river and right now. You know which closets hold the skeletons, Mike. Time to clean house.

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  1. Oops, another violation of the judge’s order not to engage in witness intimidation! At this rate, he’ll be detained by the end if next week.

  2. It’s kind of funny that Trump would say that Pence “was about to be ousted as Governor” when it was Trump who “ousted” Pence as Governor. Pence had won–without opposition–the GOP nomination for Governor (interestingly enough, he also managed that in 2012) but because he accepted Trump’s invitation to run for VP, Indiana state law prevented Pence from running for both offices at the same time (a very risky move on Pence’s part since running as the GOP nominee for VP meant he and Trump *had* to win, or Pence’s political career would likely be ended; he might could’ve run for his old House seat or made a run for US Senate in 2018 but still that would’ve meant a whole year out of the political spotlight).

    The reality, of course, is that Trump picked Pence SOLELY to shore up his own very soft support among the evangelical community that provides a solid 40% of the GOP vote; during the primaries, Trump hadn’t really won over the evangelicals (surprisingly, Ted Cruz had picked up that bloc) and even after Trump had become the likely GOP nominee, he *still* hadn’t really pulled in that group. They were likely to vote for Trump at any rate (because “R”) but it was Trump’s selection of Pence that pushed the evangelicals into the Trump camp. It’s a pity, though, that the group suddenly became Trump’s most vocal supporters despite Trump’s very NON-Christian behavior before running for office and his very NON-Christian behavior while running in 2016.


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