AMT Adios Mother Tucker!

Jeez! If this keeps up I’m gonna have to go to Amazon and see if they have any bucket lists on sale. If FUX News scum keep dropping, how am I going to have to vent my spleen about?

This was quick, and at least for me totally unexpected. After all, one of the strengths of FUX’s durability is its insular nature. FUX viewers watch FUX. Period. What anybody else has to say seldom penetrates the bobble. So Carlson’s churlish behavior was safe, if not celebrated inside the bubble.

And make no mistake. This move is going to cost FUX, likely bigtime. Carlson dominated the 9pm ET slot, regularly drawing some 3 million viewers a night. Now that he’s gone, especially with FUX having no qualified, amoral propagandist to properly exploit to replace him, they’re going to lose viewers. And they can kiss Mike Lindell’s advertising bucks goodbye, at least in that hour.

But again, why now, and why so abruptly. Like my friend Jason, I also have a theory. My theory is actually two tiered, but both tiers have a common connecting point. Here we go.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Or in this case, the Axe. Starting with the release of the first tranche of internal FUX documents, Carlson was omnipresent. It was Mother Tucker that angrily demanded that a fact checking producer be summarily fired for daring to question the veracity of the company’s line of bullsh*t. It was Carlson screaming to return to the lies, pointing out that the stock price was falling. It was Carlson denigrating the crazy guests as liars, and expressing his hatred for Trump. It was Carlson, Carlson, Carlson in almost every e-mail, text, and group chat.

Two words. Sacrificial. Lamb. Carlson wanted to be the center of attention? Fine. So be it. Because there’s another potentially even more expensive lawsuit awaiting FUX News. The Smartmatic defamation suit. And they’ve got to be licking their chops. Carlson was likely to be their poster child for journalistic abuse. But in the speedy follow of the Dominion settlement, FUX giving Carlson the boot at least allows their lawyers to say that they learned from their mistake, and have dealt with Carlson appropriately, taking that card at least partially off the table.

Here’s the 2nd tier. Carlson was FUX’s Aladdin’s Cave, and I find it inconceivable that management would move against Carlson without Rupert Murdoch’s fat little Aussie fingers all over the knife. He had to be involved.

I wrote recently that I felt that Murdoch would be gone from FUX inside of 6 months. I still believe it. The aging Murdoch has become a liability for FUX News. And the buck stops at the top.

But sh*t also flows downhill. And Murdoch is more than happy to dump it on Carlson’s head. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a Murdoch sneak attack. In bypassing the board and torpedoing Carlson Murdoch showed that he’s still capable of swift and decisive action to right the ship. And at the same time firing a shot across the board’s bow to think twice about taking him on.

This is still only a couple of hours old. I’m sure we’ll learn more over the following days, if only from one side. Because the last I checked, Carlson still has a syndicated radio show, and he is nothing if not a whiny little beyotch. He’ll take as many parting shots as he can, but I can’t see a syndicated radio show paying what a prime time news spot on FUX did. Good riddance to bad garbage.

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  1. I think Murdoch is simply trying to save his a$$ from any action brought by the FCC.

    Their rules are clear:
    “The FCC is prohibited by law from engaging in censorship or infringing on First Amendment rights of the press. It is, however, illegal for broadcasters to intentionally distort the news, and the FCC may act on complaints if there is documented evidence of such behavior from persons with direct personal knowledge.”

    The second sentence there the fox killer,and%20will%20cause%20substantial%20%E2%80%9Cpublic%20harm%E2%80%9D%20if%20aired.

  2. Good riddance to bad rubbish. My thoughts exactly, though it’s too much to hope that we’re done with having to listen to him. Like a bad penny, he’ll pop up somewhere else. Ugh, what a weasel.

  3. Any bets that Fucker gets a cushy job on RT, the Kremlin-sponsored “news” outlet that used to be entitled Russian Television? RT America closed its HQ in Washington after Putin’s War began, so Fucker might have to move to Moscow, where he’s already a hero on state-controlled TV.

  4. “But in the speedy follow of the Dominion settlement, FUX giving Carlson the boot at least allows their lawyers to say that they learned from their mistake, and have dealt with Carlson appropriately, taking that card at least partially off the table.”

    Yeah, but conversely, Smartmatic can rebut that FoxNews waited MONTHS after the revelation of Carlson’s emails were made public (and, then, still about a week after the settlement was made) to fire Carlson and they’d done nothing to punish Carlson in the more than two years after the 2020 election.


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