If I could afford it I’d have smashed my computer in anger when I read this news. Paul Manafort is a convicted CRIMINAL. A felon. His traitorous, vile, despicable a$$ should be sitting in prison this very moment serving a too short sentence a way too lenient judge gave him after he was CONVICTED for only some of his crimes. Manafort worked with, colluded with Russia to help get Trump elected in 2016. Plain and simple. You know it. I know it. Manafort knows it and so does Donald Trump! Even the jury knew it and I recall one woman afterwards saying she was a true Trump supporter. MAGA hat, bumper sticker, tell all her friends – the whole shebang. Yet she took her oath seriously and said she had no choice but to readily vote to convict Manafort.

When it came to the Jan. 6 organizers and insurrectionist rioters Trump didn’t lift a finger in those final couple of weeks to help. But Manafort? On the way out the door lo and behold Trump DID choose to pardon HIM. Now, according to the Washington Post Trump intends to bring Paul Manafort back into the fold. To play a pretty significant role in his campaign.  It will be Trump Russia 2.0 only this time circumstances will be different.

First, Pootie will try to be more careful about hiding his help for Trump knowing the scrutiny Manafort will bring to things. The second is that there’s already a Special Counsel that will be empowered to keep an eye out and move, swiftly given evidence of lawbreaking. In retrospect Robert Mueller should have stayed retired. He was worn out after a lifetime of service and too “old school” for the task. Not that his team didn’t do a good job. But a younger, more vigorous Mueller would have been following up with Rod Rosenstein and Chris Wray at the FBI on the Russia part of things. Like asking why information from that side of things wasn’t being forwarded to him to ensure his and the FBI’s counter-intelligence people didn’t inadvertently trip over each other.

Well, that’s spilt milk. Merrick Garland is as worthless as Mueller turned out to be but he can’t go instructing Smith to back off if Smith gets word of “goings on” and wants to investigate. And I firmly believe Smith will indeed be checking!  However, let’s get to the heart of what’s going on and what’s almost certainly going to happen. From the WaPo:

Former president Donald Trump is expected to enlist Paul Manafort, the former campaign manager he pardoned, as a campaign adviser later this year, according to four people familiar with the talks.

The job discussions have largely centered around the 2024 Republican convention in Milwaukee in July and could include Manafort playing a role in fundraising for the presumptive GOP nominee’s campaign, according to these people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private deliberations. While no formal decision has been made, the four people described the hiring as expected and said Trump was determined to bring Manafort back into the fold.

I’ll bet Trump wants him back!  Both he personally and his campaign are in one hell of a financial crunch. Major donors are reluctant and reports are that some who are willing to pony up only want to do if they can ensure their donations can’t be traced back to them. That will complicate things, and that’s where a sleazebag CRIMINAL like Manafort comes in. Arranging for money to be transferred from Pottie and the Oligarchs to Americans with “clean” background who will for a cut then donate large sums to Trump’s campaign.  Note in the blocked text above what Manafort’s role will be.

Fundraising and some type of major role at the convention. In the latter case it will be a repeat of 2016, secretive meetings in luxury suites hooking up Russians with donors who can “legitimately” pass along cash. Not to mention Manafort once again handing over all manner of data (including RNC data on members and donors, especially small dollar ones who can be targeted with social media) just to be clear.  As before, Manafort will be Putin’s man, his on the scene Trump “handler!”

I want to remind people of how despicable Manafort is and always has been. He goes back to the “ratf**king” Nixon era stuff. He also spent considerable time in Ukraine back when Putin had a puppet President and government installed there. Sick of the corruption, and with an innate hatred of Russia all the way to their DNA regular Ukrainians chafed under Putin’s rule and Manafort’s job was to help Russia/Putin out. How far did he go? Well, there came a point where although a then newly free (for a bit) Ukraine was nowhere near able to qualify for NATO membership efforts were well along to form a working relationship between Ukraine and NATO.

Joint Naval exercises were agreed to and out of Ukrainian ports in the Crimean portion of Ukraine. Such things take a lot of time and effort to plan. One day an in person set of meetings between lower level people from the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps and their Ukrainian counterparts was scheduled. Working via his job with the Party of Regions (hoping to restore solid Russian rule) Manafort organized a RIOT to attack two busloads of American personnel. Complete with some sly coordination with local LE to ensure some “confusion” that would delay response.

In literally just the nick of time authorities did arrive to break things up but not before major damage to the buses and injuries, some of them serious to sailors and Marines. It’s a miracle no one was killed but that was the intent of the riot Manafort organized. His version of a January 6 if you will. Whip up crazies and trust mob rule will cause destruction and death. Against United States Marines and Sailors!. Everyone was evacuated back to the port where they were based, But that was the end of those joint exercises.

My point is that in the service of Vladmir Putin, Manafort is GUILTY of the attempt to murder active duty U.S. military forces.  The sonofabitch should be executed. This ole jarhead would have been honored to have been on a firing squad sending Paul Manafort to hell. If it were somehow to come to pass on some glorious day in the future and they held a raffle of all Marines past and present for a single place on the firing squad I’d sure as hell buy as many tickets as I could afford.

IF I was the lucky winner I’d have a chat with my fellow jarheads (and any squids on the detail) to suggest that since we wouldn’t be allowed to blow his f**king head off we might as well do something special. Instead of blowing his heart to smithereens and killing  him almost instantly, I’d suggest instead we all aim just above the heart. Rip up the aortic arch so that it would take a little while for him to die. Make the sumbitch suffer in agony for a half-minute at least.

But to paraphrase the kid in Poltergeist, “He’s baaaaack!” The big news today seems to be that Trump is begging the court to let him off the hook about bond for his NY state civil trial judgement. Apparently thirty (I’ll bet the number is higher) bond agents have turned him down and he can’t come up with the cash. Sometimes I can’t believe Trump’s f**king good luck because otherwise THIS would be the big story today and for the rest of the week. Hopefully it will develop into a major and ongoing story. Neither the Trump campaign or Manafort responded to the WaPo’s request for a comment. I’d think at some point they’ll have no choice as this part of the linked article points out:

The hiring of Manafort would likely revive discussion of Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election, which Mueller concluded was “sweeping and systemic.” Mueller also found that Manafort shared internal Trump campaign polling data with a longtime associate who the FBI assessed had ties to Russian intelligence.

A bipartisan Senate committee that investigated Russian interference in the 2016 election concluded that Manafort’s receptivity to Russian outreach was a “grave counterintelligence threat” that had made the 2016 campaign susceptible to “malign Russian influence.”

I say journalists should hound both Manafort and Trump daily. Put Paulie the Putin Puppet under the microscope. And shove one of whatever that thing they use for colonoscopies up his butt too.  And here’s the question Trump should be hit with over and over: How does it feel to be using a man who tried to organize the killing of U.S. Marines and Sailors? Hell, Manafort himself should be asked that. THIS is the kind of person Trump is counting on, demanding be be brought into his campaign and in key roles?

I’d better shut up before I start saying what I really think.  However I urge, hell I implore you to read the linked WaPo article in full. It takes a few minutes but it provides a good refresher on Manafort’s sordid history and more importantly his role in the 2016 campaign and the Trump/Russia matters the also traitorous Rod Rosenstein so skillfully managed to mostly bury via his own considerably f**kery.

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  1. Another fine example of Trump’s willing to employ the talents of the most unqualified dorks and dummies he can find … it’s really a shame that Trump keeps getting breaks, when in reality, he himself has committed acts of treason against the US … As I recall, we used to execute traitors like him …

    Prison, of course, would stop all his trash talk against OUR REAL President Biden and the Democratic members of Congress and the Administration … The noise goes up at his mention of names they know, like Pelosi, etc.,. I think the Maga’s are clueless as to what Trump is really saying as much as ourselves … Trump’s exploding in real time and his babble and contorted rubber face has no more effect because Trump is so despaired by the money issue and the abandonment by the giant money moguls …

    He NEEDS to be in prison, NOW … The bloodshed threat is real and as clear as a bell, all the gun freaks and major do-wrongs in his service could begin to blow up people and places when they march him finally into prison …

    For his own protection AND ours, the Feds should bust his bubble now, slamming down his freedom to travel as a flight risk and his rhetoric as in the same tone and purpose as what he did for the Jan 06 insurrection …

    He has been issuing promises to be a dictator for a time and imprisoning or even eliminating those that don’t support him and then this bloodbath crap as well, all signs of a deranged lunatic with no visible signs of intelligence …

    Good article once again Denis …

  2. Sure hope whoever is keeping on eye on trump’s campaign keeps a REAL CLOSE eye on where all the money manafort fund raises originates from…what country that is. Which, last I heard, was illegal. Of course nothing happened the last time trump broke this campaign financing law last time.

  3. But how’s Manafort expecting to get paid? He KNOWS his new employer doesn’t have a dime to pay him with and he KNOWS his new employer doesn’t “share the wealth” (especially considering Trump needs every single penny he can get his grubby little, teeny-weeny hands on) so I can’t imagine that Manafort’s going to be able to even say, “Don, how about every $1 I raise for you, you let me keep 10 cents” without Trump telling him, “You’re fired!”


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