By a strange twist of fate, maybe it’s possible that Trump TV will come into existence anyhow. As you no doubt painfully recall, the master plan in Trump world was that Steve Bannon and Donald Trump were going to form Trump TV after the 2016 election, and then the unthinkable happened: the dog caught the car and Trump actually won.

OAN went dark the beginning of this month and even before that happened, the rats were jumping from that ship and swimming straight to Mar-a-Lago, where they easily found gainful employment. It makes complete sense when you think about it. Their jobs as “news” people were to amplify Trump, nothing more, so they just went straight to the main office, as it were. Daily Beast:

Christina Bobb, the weekend host who moonlighted as former President Donald Trump’s insurrectionist attorney, ditched the network last month to work for Trump’s PAC. Taking over for Bobb as Weekly Briefing host is longtime OAN conspiracist Chanel Rion, who also co-founded an election-denying nonprofit with Bobb.

Former Trump advisory board member Natalie Harp, who debuted last year in primetime with The Real Story, quietly left in mid-March to also go work for Trump. Additionally, correspondent and producer Jezzamine Wolk exited early last month to anchor a morning show for a local Louisiana news station.

Two people with knowledge of the situation further told Source Material that White House correspondent Camryn Kinsey and producer Justin Adam Brown also recently jumped ship. Brown was executive producer of Dan Ball’s nightly Real America show but is now at Newsmax—which has a history of poaching OAN talent. (Kinsey did not respond to Source Material when asked about where she landed.)

This is how pathetic the final moments of OAN were. The supposedly morally outraged OAN fans missed their leader’s cue when she stirred them up to rail against AT&T.

Half a dozen people in the street, whining when prompted. What a legacy. Talk about a one car funeral.

Maybe OAN is available on the internet. I don’t know and obviously, if it is available, they’re not paying their air talent what they used to pay, or they wouldn’t have all deserted in droves.

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  1. They did have a free streaming service but that’s been down since the end of January. They are offering a subscription service at $4.99 a month (but guess who isn’t going to subscribe).

    They also have a YATC (Yet Another Twitter Clone) called ‘Freetalk’. I wonder if that’s any more successul than Devin Nunes’ bovine version


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