Maybe Rudy Giuliani better go have a nice sit down with his pal and frequent consigliere Roger Stone, because Roger seems to know how to get blood out of the proverbial stone. He’s reportedly gotten garbage bags full of cash at the last QAnon festival, when he said that his wife had cancer. Rudy has been trying to raise money for his legal defense online and there is quite a discrepancy between what he asked for and what he got. I mean quite a discrepancy.

His net worth is $45 million, reportedly, so why he needs to ask the yous and mes of the world to provide him with a paltry $5M for legal fees is not quite clear. What’s that you say? Wasn’t Trump paying him and the other members of Strike Force Rudy $20K per day? Well, there is probably an accounts receivable notation to that effect somewhere, we imagine. Allan Weisselberg might know why it hasn’t been paid, but he’s tied up at the moment with more pressing issues, like keeping his own ass out of the slammer.

As high as Trump rolls, you would think $5 Million among friends would be bupkis but you would be wrong. Trump has legal troubles of his own and who knows what he has as liquid assets?

Maybe Rudy could get Lin or Sidney to defend him pro bono. Ya spose? Oh wait, Sidney is due in court on the 13th to chat about her own licensing issues and Lin still is running from the Georgia bar disciplinary board that thinks he’s nuts and should undergo a psychiatric exam. So there’s that. Jenna maybe?

Wait, I’ve got it now — Rudy is a pitch man for My Pillow now, right? He needs to get the money from his boss, Mike Lindell. That’s the ticket. I mean, the cyber symposium should be a smash hit, right? Plenty of loot in the coffers.

Maybe it’s time for Rudy to flip on Trump or make it clear to Trump that he’s thinking about flipping. This might just be the time to play that card.

This is going to be Shakespearean.


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  1. Is it too much to hope for the fireworks extravaganza that would take place if Rudy filed a lawsuit against Trump to collect unpaid legal fees?

  2. I can hear Giuliani now, what a world, what a world, I’m melting! (that’s what the black stuff was, running down his face)


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