For anybody who thought that the J6 Committee hearings were doing nothing more or less than hardening the already existing national positions on Trump’s culpability for the Capitol Riot, you had better think again. Little wonder that Trump has wasted his pathetic social media presence trying to slander the committee, and besmirch the witnesses that are appearing before it. And little wonder that he has suddenly personally taken to calling witnesses before the committee and trying to perjure their testimony.

The J6 committee is absolutely crucifying Trump in the court of public opinion. In the last 10 minutes, on Ayman, MSNBC released the results of a new poll. And that poll showed that 48% of Americans absolutely thought that Trump had engineered the Capitol Riot, and another 18% strongly felt that Trump had orchestrated the insurrection. Tie them together, and 66% of the country now feels at least strongly that Trump directly engineered the J6 revolt.

This is the GOP’s worst nightmare, and exactly what Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell were up on their hind legs to try to keep from happening. The bipartisan January 6th committee has held a free and independent investigation, using their plenary powers, and then presented the evidence from those hearings to the public in televised hearings. And as a result, 66% of Americans view Donald Trump as a traitor.

I have reported, as have several others, that Traitor Tot is preparing to announce his 2024 candidacy for President as early as September. And at the same time, 66% of Americans think that Trump engineered a coup d’etat against his own country. What do you think that having Trump already announced, as one of the top two candidates for the 2024 nomination does for the GOP’s prospects in 2022?

You know, former GOP strategist and The Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson put it perfectly in the title of his book, Everything Trump touches Dies. How delicious would it be for Trump’s final touch was to bring the death of Trumpism. Don’t touch that dial.


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  1. McConnell and McCarthy had several off-ramps to trumpism, but refused to take any of them. This is what some call “poetic justice.” I truly believe that had the rethug leadership done the right thing and jettisoned TFG after J6, they would be in much better shape today. Yeah, the MAGATs would probably stay home, but most of them were non-voters prior to 2016. They have little or no attraction for independents, who actually decide many elections, now that they are all in on the Orange Menace.

  2. Bob Woodward said he had some event in Midland Texas. Said that of the people in attendance (I can’t remember how many people he said were in attendance -I want to say 50, but I don’t remember) all were Republican voters. He asked how many thought Trump won in 2020. No hands. He asked how many would vote for him in 2024. All the hands went up. So I worry Trump might succeed again.

    Can someone tell me WHY? The man is the biggest whining crybaby ever. He’s STILL pathetically bragging about ‘acing’ a test only Alzheimer’s patients fail. The man screams BETA. Is it just GOP loyalty? Just like how republican voters have to spread what they know are lies to demonstrate loyalty? I also can’t figure out why/how sone people get sucked in to Fox News and believe every word but others don’t. It doesn’t seem education makes a difference. I can only possibly think that the ones that don’t get sucked in are for some reason exposed to non RWNJ media and that that exposure protects them from going all in? I don’t get why they would EVER vote for him again other than the racism and/or bigotry.


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