No “Thoughts and Prayers” from NRA this Time. Only Bragging


I am not sure why I expected anything different.

But, I still wanted to see the NRA’s reaction to yesterday, since they are the “gun people” and it isn’t “every day” that 30 people are shot down in America in the course of 24 hours.

So, I went and checked the NRA’s website. There was a respectful looking banner: “A statement from Wayne LaPierre.” “Here it is,” I thought.


What followed was a new statement, published this morning, bragging about their own success, financial success, that is.

As many of you may know, we have been evaluating if our investment in NRATV is generating the benefits needed. This consideration included the return on investment and the cost and the direction of the content. Many members expressed concern about the messaging on NRATV becoming too far removed from our core mission: defending the Second Amendment.

And you picked this morning to talk about your “return on investment?”

The NRA will continue and improve our service on social media channels and our flagship website, – your trusted resource of information. Our many web sites will continue to showcase new and archived videos, as we reorganize much of this information in a way that better serves our key audiences.


Looking ahead, you can expect great things from your NRA. We will energize our messaging strategy, become more cost efficient, and promote the NRA’s singular focus like never before.  Simply put, our messaging strategy will advance the NRA’s core mission: to serve our members and fight for our Second Amendment.  

Fuck you.


The very next day after two people decided to exercise their Second Amendment rights in killing 29 people (so far), the NRA is bragging about a financial move that will get them back to their core mission?


It would also seem to me that their non-existent statement, the one leaving out the “thoughts and prayers,” is also a statement about their “core mission.” This is not their problem, according to their own website. Why would their website or company exhibit any more interest than, say for example … the Texas Rangers baseball team?

Indeed, why?

Except the Texas Rangers had a moment of silence before their game last night. They are a successful company, too, one with deep financial interests. Yet, the baseball team seems to realize they are a part of something bigger.


Perhaps doing absolutely nothing is the NRA’s “core mission” from here on out.

That would be a welcomed change. Up to this point, they have done nothing but make these shootings easier on soon to be killers.

And, of course, offer thoughts and prayers afterward.

No more.



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  1. I was thinking how, if these two shootings had occurred like this while President Obama was in office, and he displayed the same superficial, passing interest and one of the shootings was directly linked to his rhetoric, the media was be aflame this morning with Republicans howling that he needs to leave office immediately and many newspaper editorials agreeing with them. We don’t know exactly why the Dayton shooting happened yet, but we do know that the El Paso shooting was clearly driven by the hatred Trump has been fomenting for the past four years. I recall how, every time President Obama said something complimentary to black people or handed an award to a person of color, there were people on the right shrieking that he “hated white people.” He had to walk on eggshells. This president has stomped on a whole CAFO of eggs, and where is the media outcry?

    And Republicans punting to “video games” when the El Paso killer was clearly driven by the hatreds they’ve embraced? Fuck you, Republicans. All of you.

    • Speaking as a white man, I can honestly say that what certain members of my demographic have done in the last few years is enough to make us all pretty hateable.

  2. It’s almost like they realize no one will believe their “thoughts and prayers” tripe, that most of America has turned against them and that their precarious financial situation has made them decide that getting money rolling back is their only priority. You know, just spitballing…

    And yeah, Jason, “f*** you” is the START of a good response.

  3. I agree with you, but don’t read that as bragging. I think it’s more damage control. NRATV is a giant flop, and they’re trying to make it look like it’s this great thing they have to pass up “to stay focused.”

    In other news, I have decided to abandon my Trump Steaks franchise. It has been a gold mine, but I am suddenly aware of how important cardiovascular health is to me and find that I need to focus on that. But the franchise was a gold mine. Like real gold…not a ball of lies masquerading as gold.

    • All the rhetoric and spittle that emanates from the vermin in the WH, IS the push these sick individuals need to break over from a long dream of full-on massacres to actual purchase of killing machines, careful planning, sometimes casing an area of attack, writing their version of, “All hail the viper in the WH”, as they shut off the lights in their home, load the death raining equipment in their truck/car, head off to the parking lot near the planned chaos, and blood letting, dancing in their minds of pure evil …

      The NRA, business as usual … gotta keep the flow of cash from Putin and Saudi’s flowing through their washing machine …


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