I guess when you’ve got a 60% approval rating, the nay sayers have to dig deep and go low. No, they’re not kvetching about Hunter, it’s much worse than that. Newsmax is going after Champ, the 14-year-old German shepherd rescue dog in the White House.

So when Biden’s not being accused of molesting kids, he’s being accused of neglecting dogs — and by people with a straight face. Simply incredible.

And maybe Champ doesn’t look like Rin Tin Tin — he’s fourteen. He’s not a young pup. Neither is Biden.

Not to stoop to their level, but what about Ted Cruz’ dog, Snowflake, being left home alone in a “FREEZING!” house? Where’s the Newsmax feature story on that?

Oh, well, we knew our government had gone to the dogs and now it’s literally true.

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    • They’re clearly desperate. What are they going to say? “Biden is going to have vaccines for everybody in July, why not next week?” So they’re forced to do what they can. Twitter is in stitches over how ridiculous this is.

    • I think you’re being overly generous in thinking the level of “good buddies” the guy has.

      I’m thinking he’s got to PAY for that to be done.

    • Every thought that rattles around does not have to be let out. I had hopes that this could be a higher quality discussion forum. People are crying for an impoverishment in public discourse.

    • Animals do slow down, just like people. I had a terrific Russian blue that I adored, and he lived to be 20. In his youth, he ran the hood. He was so physically powerful. He could jump from the sidewalk to the top of the garage, effortlessly. He looked like he was levitating, no joke. At about age 14, he lost the power in his hind quarters. He could barely jump on the washing machine. This is the way of nature. But one thing I’ll say about old animals, they are terrific. They are mellow and smart and wise. Old people aren’t necessarily that way, but old animals are.

  1. I love Champ and Major. If you watch them at the Valentine’s decoration short interview in the background, you can kinda tell what they’re saying.

    Champ: Well, boys and girls, looks like we’re back at the White House.

    Major: We’re at the White House! We’re at the White House! We’re at the White House! We’re at the White House!

    Champ: Calm it down, there, whippersnapper. Our job is to look dignified when the boss is speaking. Ow…my hip…that smarts.

    Major: (sits) We’re at the White House!

    Nation: thank god you’re at the White House, and you brought friends.

  2. I think Champ is only 12. I think NewsMax is just being the same old NewsMax they always were when I subscribed (to keep up on what the other side was doing) back when Bush was president.

  3. In all of the pictures and video of President Biden’s dogs, they are cleaner, better groomed and very probably smarter than 98% of the GQP cultists that I have seen pictures and video of! And ad far as he who shall not be named, remember when the eagle tried to attack him? Probably no dog would have him, and he wouldn’t care about a pet any more than the does about anyone besides himself!


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