The delusion is strong with these ones. Yet another MAGA artiste has put Donald Trump’s likeness to canvas. The big strong man had tears in his eyes when he saw this painting, we are told by the artist.

Whole lotta crying goes on in Trump world, maybe that’s why they keep losing elections. They’re so busy weeping they have no time to work.

You know what they say about the eye of the beholder. Listen to the painter of this oeuvre tell you how he sees Trumpty Dumpty. It’s not the way we see him, that much is sure.

I love this commentary about Trump the business genius, especially coming on the heels of the Trump Organization trial. It’s just like the lyric in the song, “A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.” Six bankruptcies, doesn’t pay taxes, but he’s a business genius. It would be comical if we didn’t have to live through it for four years and if the pernicious effect of Trump wasn’t still with us.

Maybe this should be the official portrait, to hang in the White House for all time. Ya think?


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  1. I think he was sitting on the stool most nights after eating his gross junk food, tweeting nasty stuff out about people all night, that didn’t kiss his ring enough. That’s working?? Nah….it’s highly doubtful he ever worked a full day, ever.

  2. I have to wonder why Trump hasn’t recognized the easiest way for him to earn money? Charge all his “fans” a fee for using his image in their paintings. Even if the painters are doing it to show their “admiration” and “devotion” to Trump, he could still charge them a fee. (Maybe the fee could be waived if the paintings were going to be done as lithographs and those copies were resold; Trump could simply “request” a percentage of the sales.)

  3. Trump working? MAGA taking drugs again. There has never been a person as lazy as former President Trump. He is the kind of guy that would try to hire people to use the bathroom for him.


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