You gotta look down upon me Jesus, you gotta help me make a stand. You just gotta see me through another day   James Taylor   Fire and Rain

As heartbroken as I am over the images coming out of Bucha today and yesterday, I honestly can’t say I’m surprised. I’ve been a political junkie for just about 50 years now, and as such I’ve been watching Russia play this sick bullshit for far too long.

Going all the way back to the Soviets’ invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the Russian playbook has remained the same. It was never a war fought by two armies, it was always a war against the civilian population, with a liberal dose of terror thrown in. That one only mired them down 10 years before they slunk off with their tails between their legs.

But you honestly can’t teach the criminally stupid. After the implosion of the Soviet Union, Russia went into the breakaway republic of Chechnya, with the same plan. Their ground forces seldom engaged, instead using aerial bombing and long range artillery to terrify the population. They got what they wanted and got out.

And then they went into Syria, and this time they weren’t in it for themselves, they were propping up a corrupt dictator to ensure that their naval bases remained secure. And again, ground troops seldom tasted combat, instead they dropped barrel bombs and chemical weapons on civilians. There’s a good reason that Russian ground troops don’t fight if they can avoid it. In Syria, a privately funded Russian oligarch army went up against a single US Marine outpost in eastern Syria. When it was over, the Russians withdrew with more than 200 dead, and without a single Marine casualty. These guys suck.

And then on to the Ukraine and Crimea in 2014. This time there was a twist. Putin was so embarrassed by his army that he let Russian backed Crimean separatists do the bulk of the dirty work, sending in Little Green Men in green fatigues with no national identification on their uniforms. But once again, it was the civilians who basically took it in the shorts.

About 5 weeks ago, a week into the war, I wrote an article in which I worried that as much as the US and NATO wanted to avoid getting into a wider conflict, events may overpower their desires. Because knowing the Russians, I could literally see war crimes on the horizon, the kind of stuff that would make the world recoil in horror, and demand that the US and the western alliance do something to directly intervene.

But thankfully, the first 5 weeks didn’t deliver on my fears, for two reasons. First, the Russians were so pathetically prepared, incompetent, and poorly supplied that the highly motivated Ukrainians were able to stall them out, and keep them from getting where they wanted to go to do the damage they wanted. Second, since they couldn’t get there, and their attack aircraft kept getting blown out of the sky, they had to fall back on long range artillery and missiles. And while the images of bombed out urban landscapes was heartbreaking, and while there was a humanitarian disaster, there were few images of the kind of human carnage that evoke a stronger reaction viscerally.

But all of that changed last night and today. The images coming out of Bucha are exactly the ones I feared when I wrote the article, and here they are. There is already a near global hue and cry for a war crimes investigation against Russia and Putin. And as much as it kills me to say it, it’s only going to get worse from here.

As I wrote yesterday, Russian claims of an orderly drawback from Kyiv to give peace talks a chance are pure and utter bullshit. The Russians fell back in a rout under heavy Ukrainian pressure. And as I wrote, as long as the Ukrainians are well enough supplied to keep on their tail, and keep shelling them under pressure, the Russians will continue to retreat in a rout.

And the longer they do, the more area they will liberate and reclaim. And the more towns and villages they reclaim, the more war atrocities will be exposed. Because this is what the fucking Russians do. They have no dignity, and they have no code of honor. What else can I say? And as more atrocities are uncovered, the more the global pressure will build for the US and NATO to do something to stop it. Unless we give the Ukrainians what they want, and let them finish it.

Personally, I hope that the images you’re seeing on your television screen hasn’t already stopped turning your stomach. It should, it proves you’re human. But you had better get ready, because starting right now, you’re going to see a shitload of it on an almost nightly basis. Just keep being horrified and regally pissed.


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  1. I would just point out that five weeks ago, everyone was convinced that Kyiv would fall any day now. And also that the LAST thing the US or NATO need is a “rally around the flag” where Russians are fighting the former rather than Ukrainians. So my bet is that the immediate aftermath of all this (and the news stories of the last two days indicate such) is that Ukraine is about to get the rest of its wishlist filled by SOMEBODY.

    • The horrible truth in everything Putin, it is his shock at the resistance and backbone of the Ukrainians, not business as usual … he IS the ultimate lizard, of course, but a couple other things come to my mind … Russia citizens are obviously meeting with restrictions due to the sanctions and by now, the leaking universe of the web is the new underground … Putin’s orders to squash Citizen’s comments and communications are a sign that Putin wants nothing openly shown about the killing, torture, rapes and dead children, left behind the Russian troops … the whole world is NOW already informed, yesterday and today, with more onsite reporting by the minute …

      Our Senators J. Ernst and Grassley are not the sharpest pencils in the top drawer, but Joni claims Biden has been too soft on Ukraine supply rates and is meeting with Biden’s supply management team to see if they can accelerate lethal weapon delivery, this, after a team of Congress people met with Ukrainian Reps in Germany and Poland, where they asked for just that, so now we are going to witness huge piles of Republican BS about how Biden is being responsible for the Russian War Crimes by inaction on delivery needs in the Ukraine …

      Such open disrespect for our President, using language that charges Biden as the actual villain in this mess, is, at once, treasonous and totally BS …

      There IS a certain sensitivity in how things appear internationally, but in any moment, Joni SHOULD be aware of what is going on in the Ukraine theatre, like, monstrous build up by NATO troops and equipment near the borders, shows of force in fly-overs by many planes and such, so yes, there is a NEED for push-out power for the Ukrainian troops … the transfer of lethal weapons will need to be handled with care, armed escorts in shoot to kill orders and so publicly releasing all this BS and Republican drivel charges against our President is probably one of the worst timing things done by Joni Ernst …

  2. From Misha Firer of Quora, who lives in Moscow and writes some nasty truths:

    Do you know why there’re no guns and ammo left in Moscow gun stores, and in the police departments men line up to receive gun licenses?

    Muscovites expect 150,000 Russian soldiers to return from Ukraine shortly and start marauding on their streets.

    In 1905, soldiers that returned from the Japanese War started a revolution.

    In 1917, soldiers that returned from World War One used the guns to overthrow tsar’s regime.

    In 1989, soldiers that returned from the forever war in Afghanistan formed gangs that led to gangster capitalism of the 1990s when businessmen were killing each other with AK47 and bazookas.

    In 2022, soldiers that had survived annihilation from the most advanced Western weapons, will unleash violence in Moscow and elsewhere in Russia that will make “Crazy 90s” look like a walk in the park.

    Massacre of civilians in Bucha has shown that Russian soldiers are in a very bad psychological shape. Let’s not split hairs, many of them have become psychopaths from horrors of war, and the disturbing part it has happened very, very fast that they might not be aware of the changes, which could be fundamental.

    Maybe when you visit hell, you return with the souvenirs.

    • Daniel, from a lot of reading I’ve done, and a lot of listening to people who’ve had these horrible experiences, I agree with what you say; you make some excellent points.

  3. I have been reading at Now,This Politics.
    Many of the anti-Ukraine haters,are Arabs/Muslims,,Serbs who were happily offing Muslims in the 90s,,African Christians,, and stupid rednecks, with the occasional.assist from ignorant Americans. We need to debunk their lies.

  4. Just wanted to point out that we were at war with russia when fat ass was entertaining lavrov in the oval office.
    Fat ass needs to be EXECUTED for treason.


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