MTG, who PZ’s own Ursula recently labeled Malaprop Taylor Green came up with another doozy. One has to wonder what the hell is going on inside the mass of cells where her brain supposedly sits. Or rather what seems to be dominating her thoughts lately.  Remember, this is someone who was so proud of her collection of Hunter Biden “dick pics” she felt they should be shared – at a Congressional hearing!  Then there’s that pic from twitter walking by the life size visage of Trump with her hand on his crotch. And this week spoke of “disrobing” judge Engoron. Well folks, it gets worse. As in eeeewwww worse.

The headline from a short piece by POLTICSUSA pretty much says it all:


I’d say so after watching the story’s embedded clip:

Oh Marge! Really? Well, I’ll note what the linked article had to say:

Who knows what Greene is trying to say, but she does seem to have a Hunter Biden porn addiction.
I am pretty sure that even the most devoted Trump supporters didn’t come to a rally to see Donald Trump do what her words suggested. Greene worships Trump and desperately wants to be his running mate, but if what she said is what is on her mind, I may need to go and inject some bleach.

Yep. I used up all I had but some things… Well you can’t really unsee/unhear some things and this one is going to haunt me for a good while I fear.  Still, a gaffe like this deserves some mocking of Marie Greene, the trailer trash queen. Call it “turnabout is fair play” for the Hunter Biden dick pic incident in that hearing.

There used to be time between her sexually oriented outbursts but two in a single week suggests she’s devolving. I shudder to think what comes next. (pun intended)

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  1. She doesn’t have a brain, just two neurons connected by a,spirochete, rattling around in an empty skull and bumping off bone like a bad I suspect she has been dumping peroxide on her head that it killed off the few brain cells she started out with.

    • Well, she did (in a hearing no less so it’s part of the Congressional Record) talk about him being “in-dick-ted” a couple of weeks ago, something I forgot about while I was writing the article. I shudder at what the cartoon thought bubble in her head (where her brain is supposed to be) said.


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