This is about as ugly as it gets. Take a look at how Marjorie Taylor Greene spends her time in Congress since she doesn’t have any committees to sit on.

Now, this is egregious enough. But it’s in response to an action that Rep. Marie Newman took after she and Greene exchanged barbed comments on the House floor about LGBT equality.

And it won’t surprise you that there’s a personal issue here.

John McCain was quoted as saying, “This isn’t a nice business we’re in,” and Harry Reid said that politics “had a feral quality” but I don’t think that either of those guys were prepared for the kind of awfulness that has become standard operating procedure in today’s political sphere. And I doubt that either of them could imagine a Neanderthal like Greene being elected to Congress. Very sad.

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  1. If Congresswoman Greene has this much free time to do awful stuff like this, maybe her voters need to ask her to step down!! She is nothing but conservative white trash!

  2. You can try and convince the public that this bill is simply to protect trans women but the truth is it will destroy practically everything women have fought for over decades. It has nothing to do with equity.
    It is nothing but garbage and offers equity to no one. Democrats should be ashamed.

    • Maybe YOU need to educate yourself before proving to the world your complete stupidity.

      The Equality Act is intended to provide equality to ALL members of the LGBTQ+ community. It’s not merely limited to trans people (bear in mind, there are also trans MEN who tend to be overlooked by the bigots–back when the bathroom bills were being pushed, most of the scare tactics dealt with trans women but a number of trans men wanted to know why they, many with beards, weren’t considered as “threatening” to the women with whom they’d be forced to share toilet facilities as trans women) but intended to help gay men and lesbians keep their jobs and homes without facing discrimination. Many states do NOT protect LGBTQ+ employees from job or housing discrimination; the only protections such individuals can rely on are based on racial, religious or gender discrimination (if you’re a Black gay male atheist, you can’t lose your job or home based on being a Black atheist* but you CAN lose it over being a gay male; lesbians can’t be fired for being women but they can be fired for being gay women, aka “lesbians”). Typically, the housing issue relates to home ownership (some HOAs and zoning ordinances prohibit single-family homes from having two “families” counting 2 gay men or 2 lesbians living together as separate families) and apartment rentals (typically, it’s based on the apartment complex’s owners or managers’ feelings about LGBTQ+ people; if the complex is owned or run by people who use religious objections to lesbians and gay men, they may refuse to rent to lesbians and gay men, especially when coupled–oddly, if the lesbians or gay men present as “just roommates,” they might be able to rent but it’s like tap dancing in a minefield).**
      The ONLY people who should be “ashamed” are liars like you who don’t want to treat everyone equally.

      *And atheists can’t always rely on the religious protection aspect. Ironically, some Christian conservatives will claim that “atheism is a religion” until someone tries to use their First Amendment and related rights because they’re atheists (think the Pledge of Allegiance cases) at which point, suddenly the Christian conservatives are all “freedom of religion doesn’t mean freedom from religion or freedom of no religion.”
      **It should be noted when people are renting out rooms in their homes, most places require the homeowners to abide by all local laws (ie, you can’t discriminate based on race or religion, etc) but, in practice, obviously if you’re renting out a room and you don’t want to rent to a Black man or a Jew, then it’s pretty damned difficult for a rejected renter to take you to court (as long as you don’t actually say you won’t rent because they’re Black or Jewish). Most municipalities aren’t going to spend time going after a private homeowner who refuses to rent to a Black man or a single mother with a child largely because of the idea that the homeowner shouldn’t have to rent to someone they’re not comfortable renting to for whatever reason. (Again, though, if the homeowner is stupid enough to admit to a racist attitude or religious bigotry while “interviewing” the potential renter, then action will usually be taken.)

    • With that said, such folks are the best advertisements against white supremacy I could ever conceive of and excellent candidates for the next species most likely to go extinct.

  3. You will never change a cult member with rational arguments or by shaming their ignorance, hypocrisy, & evil behavior. Pass out the grape juice.

    • Right on, Scott. That’s why you cripple them, isolate them and weaken them wherever you can. Take away their power, they’re just another bigot with angry dreams.

  4. Margarine Gangrene is representative of the bullies I grew up around, opportunistic power-trippers who need to hit on the vulnerable to feel strong. Be it minorities, LGBTQ or Dems everywhere, she’s no shortage of people she despises. Let us act accordingly.

    • This woman gets uglier every time I see her — and it isn’t driven by her physical appearance. She just appears to be a rotten human being, and it shows.

  5. On top of that, while Republicans whine abut how “liberal” social media outlets unfairly suppress their “free speech,” Twitter apparently removed Newman’s post about this, while allowing Marjorie Taylor Greene’s to remain. I reported it for being “disrespectful and abusive.”


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