I don’t know if the witch is dead but I do know she just got her ass booted out of the Freedom Caucus the first time that body has taken that step. Whoa doggies and hot diggity dog, this is going straight into Bizarro world. NCRM:

“A vote was taken to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene from the House Freedom Caucus for some of the things she’s done,” Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD), a Freedom Caucus board member told Politico Thursday.

When asked why the vote to expel Greene was taken, Harris said, “I think the way she referred to a fellow member was probably not the way we expect our members to refer to other fellow, especially female, members.” Politico reports Harris was “appearing to refer to Greene reportedly calling Boebert a ‘little bitch.’”

I don’t know why the caucus is protecting Bobo and sacrificing Marge, because all the smart money is saying that come 2025, Bobo will be gone and Marge will still be there.

Greene’s support for Speaker Kevin McCarthy and her stance on the debt ceiling bill were contributing factors for members voting to expel her, but Harris reiterated, “I think the straw that broke the camel’s back was publicly saying things about another member in terms that no one should.”

I don’t know about you but my Bullshit Detector has not only gone off, it’s glowing hot red and leaping from the shelf. This is not about defending Bobo’s virtue. This is something else entirely different.

Meanwhile, MSNBC’s Steve Benen observes, “As striking as this behind-the-scenes drama is, there’s a larger context that’s even more consequential for the political world in general: Divisions among congressional Republicans are growing deeper and more common as the year progresses.”

“Perhaps this shouldn’t be too surprising,” he suggests. “After a midterm election cycle in which the GOP fell far short of the party’s own expectations, even while winning back a majority in the House, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy struggled in historic and embarrassing ways to earn his gavel. Six months later: The House Freedom Caucus is divided against itself.”

This bears watching. Something else is going on here.

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  1. I still think it’s LOL funny that the group of a$$holes kicked her out. Maybe they did this because TFG is shunning her. Hubby heard a rumor that Kari Lake will be his running mate.

  2. Hey Alanis Morriset…irony isn’t a fly in your wine…or rain on your wedding day. It IS when the nazi from Gone With the Wind land finally says something that is true, and gets in trouble for it, after lying over and over and over with the support of her fellow fascists. Fun times… Springtime for Hitler in the Guns Over People party.

  3. When a bunch of extreme azzholes kick you out of their little clique for being too much of an azzhole, that seems like a good time to pause for introspection.


  4. Marge was booted for the crime of using derogatory language against one of “her own kind.” Doesn’t she remember that she’s only supposed to use such language against Democrats and then offer up a non-apology apology?

    But, it IS just a touch ironic that Margie’s being booted from the “Freedom” Caucus for using her “freedom” of speech. I wonder if she’ll now go around whining that she’s been “cancelled” like so many other “conservatives” do when they receive justifiable criticism for their words and deeds?

  5. I think this vote of expulsion was coming regardless of what she called Bobo the Clown. Still, she’ll likely be pi$$ed, turn her potty mouth on FC members, and as the article says, Bobo will likely be gone. One has to ask why the FC would do something that ultimately means little except to lessen their numbers but it is the FC and these are the real sharp marbles in congress don’t ‘ya know.



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