I’m not sure how Philadelphia became known as the City of Brotherly Love.  New Yorkers might consider themselves the kings of one-line slams but I’ve always thought Philly was at least as good.  For damned sure many a visiting sports team (not just pros but college too) have had big bites taken out of them by rhetorical slams from Philly fans.

The infamous Moms For Liberty should have been so lucky as to have gotten off as easy.

Plenty of protesters were waiting for them to hold their conference and they were loaded with insulting signage that took creative insults to new heights.  The various groups got the ball rolling in person, with signs like “We Don’t Co-Parent With Fascists” and the aforementioned “Klanned Karenhood: Coming For A School Near You.”  From there Black Twitter took things online and oh my did the creativity flow!   Someday I need to learn how to embed a tweet into an article, but I urge you to check out the link and scroll down to one from tweeter Sorta David had an epic set of insults beginning with Klanned Karenhood but he offered some more.  To wit (pun intended):  Twatzis, Assholes With Casseroles, Minivan Taliban, Mary Kay Kay Kay, and finally Betty Crackers.

Other outlets like Raw Story and Daily Beast had their own write ups.  I wish I’d be seeing this on MSNBC.  At least twitter doesn’t seem to have shut it down and hopefully other social media is following Black Twitter’s lead and hyping this.  Even Deven Green, who’s epic takedowns of conservative bullsh*t via her alter ego Betty Bowers got in a tweet of her own noting how funny all this was.  I rather look forward to seeing her create another episode in her series based on this!

Moms For Liberty is nothing of the sort.  I guess they are moms at least (poor kids!) or most of them are.  But liberty?  People who have organized to ban books (and I guess even burn them) all over the country?  Including efforts to take over school boards and library boards to ensure on their approved list of books are available to read or be used in classrooms?   Well, Philly and shortly afterwards twitter told them to go back to hell – aka Florida.

I really do hope this keeps blowing up and flourishing.  Let’s hope the wonderfully creative insults keep coming.  And that the same creativity gets used in similar fashion and on an increasing basis against other conservative groups and individuals.  It is as in another part of my life what we’d call a “target rich environment.”


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  1. How is it that schools are getting in the way of parenting by teaching students accurate history, accurate health education, etc. but it is not getting in the way of parenting to legislate parents’ rights away when it comes to healthcare decisions especially with regard to non-binary children? WTF? I’d ask if they realize their hypocrisy but that’d be a pretty effing stupid question-they either are too stupid to realize it, don’t care, or both.

    These people are the most disgusting pieces of shit walking the planet.

    • Poor snowflake kids might feel.picked on to learn that some white people owned slaves? I can only guess that since their deity punishes people for something an ancestor did 7 generations ago,they still
      feel.guilty? Nah,they feelno.guilt or they would back BLM instead of calling them thugs and criminals and welfare queens

  2. “I’m not sure how Philadelphia became known as the City of Brotherly Love.”

    Um, it’s the literal translation of the city’s name from the Greek: “philos” meaning “love” + “adelphos” meaning “brother.” (The etymology for “adelphos” is “a” or “ha” a prefix suggesting “same” + “delphus” meaning “womb” so “from the same womb.”) William Penn provided the name to reflect a friendship treaty he made with the local Lenape tribe. (But the city’s name had been used by various cities in the ancient Mediterranean area during the Greek and Roman eras. The modern Jordanian capital of Amman was known as “Philadelphia” for nearly 1000 years, from the 3rd century BCE to the 7th century CE.)

    The more you know . . . . . . . .

    • Thanks. If you hadn’t said it, I was about to – at least part of it. I have nothing to add exceot that the name was applied in a time period not long before people were saying things like “Greek, sir is like lace. A gentlement should get as much of both as ha cen.”

      And that my favorite is “Crackpots with Crockpots.”


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