I have a feeling that before the end of the day, when what you’re about to see gets more press, that Donald Trump will have to come forward with a disclaimer of some sort. This is beyond the pale, even for the adjudicated rapist/defamer of women. As you may be aware, there is a video/meme maker called Brenden Dilley. He is a MAGA man, pro-Trump all the way. He creates a lot of memes which spread the world of the Cantaloupe Cult leader.

Some of them are actually humorous. I enjoyed his DeSantis put downs. But what you’re about to see here has no business on the airwaves at all. It is sexist, misogynistic, sheer hate. Start the countdown clocks running. It’s noon ET as I write. I fully expect that by the time that Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell are on the air tonight that somebody will have contacted Team Trump about this.

Isn’t that stunning? Dilley makes no bones about his feelings vis a vis Haley.

I am no defender of Nikki Haley. But what’s going on here that is piquing Dilley so badly, I think, is that Haley is identifying where Trump is the problem. And Trump is indeed the problem. I don’t believe Haley is presidential material at all but the fact that she’s endeavoring to be a part of some post-Trump GOP is good thinking. Most GOPers can’t get to that place, to dream of a post-Trump GOP. They’re too scared.

And the fact that they’re scared tells you everything you need to know. The essence of democracy is that the baton passes. A president may do great work for the period of time that he or she is in office but when that is over, it’s over, and a new leader takes the helm. That is our system.

Dilley doesn’t want that system, he wants autocracy with Trump at the helm. Take a look.

And the tragedy is not just that some video content creator is this deranged. The Republican party wants this, too. They want Trump back in office and to stay there. The GOP is just fine with power, anyway they can get it. If that means destroying democracy, that’s no problem. Again, I share this David Frum quote: “Maybe you do not care much about the future of the Republican Party. You should. Conservatives will always be with us. If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.”

We are watching it come to pass before our very eyes.



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  1. Same old, same old! Women who make reasonable arguments are actually hysterical and out of control. What they need is a good, old-fashioned raping, preferably by a gang or, better yet by a whole society. This is not new; it just has new spaces to say it. The worst part of this will be, as I absolutely expect, women Trumpers wearing t-shirts emblazoned with “Leave a load in Nikki!” I intend to stay as calm as possible, keep my eye on the prize, and fight like hell for the defeat of every one of those who spout such hate!

    • I agree it’s disgusting, but to imply Nikki makes ‘reasonable arguments’ is also disgusting. Ask the 4 million black folks treated like property, women raped, everyone beaten, killed, tortured and families separated and SHE PANDERS TO THE RACISTS BY PRETENDING THE CIVIL WAR WAS ABOUT FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT! Are you serious? She also stood on stage and supported a rapist Trump and she said she’d pardon that murderer. Nikki is not a reasonable or an ethical or moral person. Just like having a penis gives no one a superior character, neither does having a vagina. Nikki is evil as is the asshole who made that video.

  2. I wonder how Dilley would react if someone made and posted a video of his face being photoshopped onto some gay porn actor gleefully being the “star” of a male-on-male gangbang, set to the same music, with a similar type intro of him inviting dudes into his van to some sleazy motel, ripping off his clothes on the way into the room with cartoon bubble of “have at me guys!” and “Next!” and so on. He would FREAK! As for Trump’s reaction I can see him laughing his fat ass off, and then engaging in (ahem) “self-gratification” imagining Haley. Some really vile pieces of shit in the GOP.

  3. WTF????????? This is Horrible! How can anyone support these people!?! I’m not a fan of hers but this goes above and beyond what is disgusting!

    • It’s called the republican party and 76 million people, many women, voted for a serial rapist, someone Nikki stood in front of the world and ALSO SUPPORTED! Fan? Oh I don’t see much difference between a woman who makes excuses for rapists and slave owners, who raped and SOLD black women, than some dipshit man with deep seated issues along the same line. What I don’t get is demonizing him, which he richly deserves, but soft pedaling that evil, lying woman who is just fine with a pedophile rapist. That kind of ‘loyalty’ seems to be along the same lines as misogyny but absent the penis. EVIL IS EVIL IS EVIL!

  4. What a disgusting bit of misogyny. You know Trump wants to.get into her lacy panties,,and she would probably prefer with a diseased camel than him.


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