I don’t know what Mike Pence is up to with this one. Truly I do not. I was thinking that maybe he felt that this “protection” of the MAGA god would endear him to the Cult of the Marmalade Man, but surely he can’t be that naive.
In any event, if ever a nail were not needed in a coffin, this is that time. Pence was already political history in all eyes other than his own, but when this gets around, you can color him gone.
This is an opinion designed to appeal to exactly nobody. It won’t appeal to any kind of Democrat, obviously, or Independent, just on its face. But the Republicans don’t want to listen to this, either. The GOP establishment, i.e., the likes of Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney, have made it crystal clear that they want to move on from Trump. So exculpating him and keeping him around is not what they want. As to MAGA, they already hate Pence, there’s no redoing that. So who is this designed to reach?
However, all the individuals invited must be charged? No one is above the Rule of Law & this idea of two forms of justice, under the law, cannot continue as he hopes. Nevertheless, he supports SCOTUS taking away women's reproductive rights, personal decisions & dignity.
— Wayne A Morris (@Lacus09) December 19, 2022
That is exactly what Pence is inferring here, that two systems of justice should prevail. One for normal folks, who make bad decisions and pay a price for their egregious lack of judgement and one for idiot children in 76-year-old bodies, who should be forgiven everything and their transgressions blamed on others.
This last concept has always blown my mind. Is Trump this superhero figure, this “stable genius” playing 12-dimensional chess, or is he a mere child and everything that goes wrong is due to the fault of a handler, a staffer, a babysitter, in essence?
Even for Pence, this is low.
I think we can label this The Stupidest Thing Mike Pence Ever Said. God knows there’s a lot of competition for that title, but I think this is it.
I don’t understand why people, i.e. journalists, are asking for his opinion on anything. Once he “forgave” TFG for siccing his mob on him and his family, that should have been the end of any relevance the man may have ever had.
The Qtip speaks gibberish. Shocked! Maybe the mob was on to something relevant. He’s another lying evil child killer hiding behind a faux religion that he uses as a smokescreen while applauding all the evil. In the name of christ of course. I wonder how many gay folks died due to his stance on aids in his home state? Fuck him and his upside down Christianity.
He is human garbage and of course a godly man. Religion belongs to the devil.
Pence still thinks he has a chance to be President.
You have a better chance.
He seems almost as deluded as the former guy. I keep thinking that whenever he tries to run for office, he’ll get his reality check.
Hard as it is for any intelligent person to believe Pence STILL thinks he can attain the love of rank & file MAGA goobers. Delusional? You bet. Delusions of grandeur happen to tons of people every day. Those bitten by what Lincoln called the Presidential Grub are particularly susceptible to them. Pence never had a chance of becoming President unless Trump had died while in office. Frankly it’s doubtful he’d have gotten the nomination in his own right in 2020 had that happened. Pence has never “gotten” that he doesn’t seem likely to. But you’re right that Trump was quite okay with him being murdered on Jan. 6. And Pence is so craven he’s willing to keep trying to kiss Trump’s ass despite that! At least in Ted Cruz’ case Trump only insulted his wife and accused his father of JFK’s assassination. Pretty sad when you’re even worse than Cruz on something.
IMO Mike Pence is a supine bottom feeder who would do almost ANYTHING to have his Dark Ages religious beliefs inflicted on the American people. He won’t dine with another woman without his wife present? Who does he think he is? Brad Pitt? Even the fly got bored and buzzed off.
This is sad. Somebody needs to sit him down and tell him he’ll never be president.
After the gallows stunt…seems he should have figured it out. Oh wait. He has God in his pocket. He’s sure that will turn the tide.
Everyone seems to have missed the real reason Mother’s Coward little boy said this. It truly has nothing to do with wanting to be President at this time, although he would certainly like that to happen down the road. PenceTheMenace HATES TFG as much if not more than anyone else on earth. Both Pence and Trump would backstab each other given the chance in a New York minute. The one and only reason is because Pence is mortally terrified of Trump, but not Trump personally, is because of who has Trump’s back and can be summoned by Trump: (1) The Russian Mob in the U.S.; (2) Putin’s FSB; and (3) White Supremacist terrorist cells who’ve trained alongside agents from the Russian Mob and FSB. In fact, Trump is puppet controlled by Odessa & FSB agents too and is equally as terrified of stepping out of line and continually has to prove has value for Putin in being a tool for weakening & dividing the US. Also Trump has to show he also has a way of paying back the billions he owes from the Trump Tower Moscow fiasco that Putin purposely helped engineer in order to be Trump’s puppeteer-owner. Currently, the way Trump retains Putin’s, the FSB’s, and Odessa’s backing is through his endless campaigning (scamming) to run again to be fake POTUS for 2024, & bringing in $$$ from his cult followers and other high level backers; and by presenting himself as a candidate who can once again become Putin’s puppet on the White House throne. Trump doesn’t even really want to be President again, he’s tired of the charade except for the constant attention to stoke his ego and his dreams of being THE all-powerful Dictator of the US…like Putin, like Kim Jong-un, like Xi Jinping. Trumpelthinskin knows that once he’s no longer of value to Putin, he’s instantly whacked, because Putin knows he has diarrhea-mouth and just like Trump has been the pipeline for secret information/intellegence about the USA, the pipeline can run in reverse and Trump would sell info. & secrets/intellegence about Putin/Russia just as easily if he was paid for it as long as Trump believed he could be protected from the FSB and Odessa agents. So bottom line, Pence is afraid of Trump and Trump is afraid of Putin. Fear of death can be the highest motivating force in decision-making when one is a complete coward – and Pence and Trump are supreme cowards.
Sounds like a reasonable theory.