“There’s nothing like it out there,” said Mike Lindell to a radio host the other day about his new website, called Vocl at that time, and he was right about that. Not that we here should throw rocks at another site with technical problems, but Lindell’s problems go beyond the technical to the conceptual. Plus, nobody from here is going on right-wing media boasting about spending “millions” to come up with a revolutionary new means of social media that will have a life altering affect on political discourse and then popping up with nothing at all.

Vocl went out the door, because there was a functioning site with a name close to that, so now Lindell’s site is called frankspeech.com. If you go over there, you will see a few introductory paragraphs and that’s it. This does not give the appearance of a media behemoth ready to bust loose and change the way we talk we talk about politics and considering that that is how it’s being hyped, this “launch” is a bit disappointing. It’s a lot like if NBC had launched as a new network and the only thing on it was a screenshot of the peacock, and then at night the bars and tone. That would not have attracted a lot of viewers, methinks.

But Lindell seems determined to keep going with this. Yahoo News:

Lindell has been secretly creating his own social-media platform over the past four years, he said earlier this month.

The site’s tagline calls it “the voice of free speech.” Lindell previously told Dailey that the site would be “all about being able to be vocal again and not to be walking on eggshells.”

Frank “will be the platform for Americans who want to defend life, liberty, and all the freedoms that have marked America as the longest running Constitutional Republic in the history of the world.”

I love the TV phraseology here, “the longest running constitutional republic” like they’re comparing it to 20 seasons of Gunsmoke or 14 of Bonanza. “Watch for surprises in the finale of Season 244 as we get close to the 4th of July and the premiere of another great year.”

Users will be able to “post videos, livestream television, distribute news and information, and find community and fellowship with likeminded Americans,” per the site’s description.

Lindell previously told Dailey that the site would be a cross between Twitter and YouTube meant “for print, radio, and TV.”

“There’s nothing like it out there,” he told Metaxas on Tuesday. “Your YouTube channel is your Twitter. It’s amazing.” […]

The description says the site was launched in retaliation against “cancel culture” and “political correctness.”

“The world watched as perhaps the most visible and vocal CEO in America, Mike Lindell, became the victim of the ‘cancel culture’ when he began to express his views on matters that the liberal media and big tech deemed to be politically incorrect,” the site reads.

How much would you like to bet that Alan Dershowitz has told Lindell, “You pay me first before you sink any more money into that bullshit site. It’s a money pit, and I’m keeping your ass out of prison.” Any takers?

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  1. Jusrt a pity he couldn’t even get one fact straight.
    The ‘longest running constitutional republic’ is actually San Marino (well it’s also just about the smallest one as well).

    It was founded on 3 September 301, by Marinus of Rab, a Christian stonemason fleeing the religious persecution of Roman Emperor Diocletian. San Marino’s constitution, dating back to 1600, is the world’s oldest written constitution still in effect.

    But then, he’s that ‘expert’ on internet matters he doesn’t need google

  2. In all fairness, at the bottom of the page it says “coming soon.” I really don’t believe he can deliver on all those hyperbolic promises.

  3. As a constitutional republic, the US only goes back to 1787. The Articles of Confederation were so weaqk they didn’t make it through 7 years.

  4. Anyone else want to bet that this new bastion for “free speech” will be banning people for failing to espouse the *correct* views?

    I was recently on the Cracked.com website which had a list article about authors’ reactions to their works being banned and one of the things that struck me so much about it is, for all the recent right-wing talk/outrage about “cancel culture,” most of the authors listed there had works banned largely because they offended “conservative” views and ideals.

  5. Maybe he should have called it Q-speech…or Q-speak. I think maybe he is parroting the Orange Monster, who I seem to remember was gonna start his own (un)social media site, or was that his own propaganda network?


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