Talk about a legal circle jerk in Trump world. Sidney Powell is claiming that she was just giving an opinion that no reasonable person would believe, by way of defending her Kraken madness. Now Mike Lindell, another defendant in a defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems has gone and hired Alan Dershowitz, Trump fluffer extraordinaire.

Jan (pronounced “Yan”) is a legal affairs journalist for Reuters.

I can’t wait to hear what Dershowitz comes up with to defend Lindell. And speaking of Lindell, he just blew up at Fox News. He thinks Fox News is out to get him. Seriously.

Can you imagine Dershowitz defending this guy? OMG. And what’s Dershowitz going to tell Tucker Carlson? Daily Beast:

Notably, Lindell’s pillow commercials are by far the biggest advertiser on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Fox’s most-watched show. As host Tucker Carlson has courted controversy over the past couple of years, the vast majority of the network’s blue-chip advertisers have ditched the primetime show, leaving mostly MyPillow ads, Fox News promos, and direct marketers.

While it remains to be seen if Fox News reacts in any way to one of its largest sponsors directly calling the network out, Lindell has been able to force one right-wing outlet to come groveling back for not letting him spout crazed conspiracies on-air.

After Newsmax anchor Bob Sellers repeatedly interrupted Lindell during an interview before literally walking off the set when the MyPillow founder wouldn’t stop talking about voting machines, Sellers begged “friend of the network” Lindell for forgiveness while assuring viewers that the pillow tycoon would “continue to be an important guest on Newsmax.”

My prediction is that the Dominion and Smartmatic lawsuits are going to be like a volcano going off on the island of right-wingnuttia and the dust cloud will linger for years, maybe even blotting out the orange sky above Mar-a-Lago, its spiritual temple. Think of Krakatoa East Of Java  — although I think it’s actually west, but you get the idea.


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  1. Can there be an open casting call for the new season of The Trump Show? The existing cast is getting stale. Dershowitz has more than jumped the shark, and can be ushered off to Mandy Land.

  2. Lindell can bad mouth Fox all he wants if he keeps propping up Carlson and other prime time shows with his ads. Fox would be in the hurt locker without all that ad money, and if anything Lindell’s comments will generate more viewers meaning more money for Fox!

    It’s all about money and power. It always has been. Old Man Murdoch has spent a lifetime dreaming of owning/controlling the news worldwide, or at least in the free world. That means either getting rid of regulations that countries (including ours) have used to try and prevent market domination by a single entity or person, or being able to bully regulators into letting him do what the hell he wants via the political masters in countries giving him cover. Basically, he hates regulation of his activities. Also, like most hard core conservatives he hates paying taxes. And conservatism has always had keeping taxes as low as possible (for rich folks in particular) as a core principle.

    Fox News in this country was created to help him cut regulation of his media empire and to lower taxes on him and other rich people. In this country the Party that he needed to have firmly in his corner has been the GOP so he created a right-wing propaganda network. Sure, he put a lot of makeup on his pig via the entertainment division and a couple of token conservative leaning but sort of play it straight journalists in his news division but it’s been a right-wing propaganda arm all along. It’s become increasingly brazen in fact. But in the end it’s still all about doing away with both regulations and taxes so I again say Lindell can attack Fox all he wants, and as long as he keeps fronting all that ad money they will put up with it.

    • I think you are right, the money is everything now, the GOP is no longer interested in the welfare of the citizens, just how much and from wherever they can get it … Fox is just one of the spokes in a whirl-away ride system of give and mostly take that leans our Congress to the right …

      Murdoch is one of the largest players out there and we are the pawns in his game, [at least the Trumpsters so far], maybe the Dems can pull this out of the grime, but we need to overcome a lot of greed and graft …

  3. Lindell ain’t the sharpest knife in the CEO drawer, and Dersh…isn’t all there any more.
    I’d like to see the judge laughing at them.

  4. Krakatoa is either east or west of Java, take your choice, it just depends on which direction you’re going. But one way is quicker than the other.

  5. I’m still interested in the, “old good times”, with a crooked lawyer, pretending to be an expert at law and nothing else, playing with Trump and his VERY GOOD friend Epstein …

    Where are all the videos/photos and records of that activity period, who owns who and what actually happened to all those young ladies … perhaps that is the mother lode that Putin uses … even a Prince in England might be controlled …

    Trump left enough photos and vids around carelessly, happy to show off his false wealth at Mar-o-golf. Being a so-called president has put our whole country in danger and Trump’s good old times may come to roost by the time the courts get done with him … his attraction to big dirty money and even clowns like Alan Dershowitz … fuzzy logic says there are bigger and dirtier money monsters still out there, and some are probably playing games with our GOP lizards …

  6. Legal fees are legal fees. As long as “pillow-stuffing-for-brains” has cash, and won’t stiff him like “Fat Donnie”, Creepy Dersh will make a fool of himself in court.


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