The My Pillow guy, Mike Lindell, ringingly declared “I’m never letting the fraud go,” referencing his disingenuous beliefs of a stolen 2020 election, and Twitter says fine. Just don’t do it on our platform. Lindell, with a following of half a million, was permanently banned from Twitter Tuesday morning. Reuters via Raw Story:

Lindell repeatedly violated the company’s civic integrity policy, due to which he was suspended, a Twitter spokesperson said in an emailed statement. Twitter had permanently suspended Trump from its platform earlier this month. […]

A self-described former cocaine addict and alcoholic who says he found sobriety through Christianity, Lindell helped sponsor a two-week March for Trump bus tour that ended in Washington on Dec. 14 and spoke at five stops.

He told Reuters a fortnight ago that he did not help finance subsequent trips to promote the Jan. 6 rally that devolved into riots as supporters of Trump stormed through the U.S. Capitol.

But the Capitol riots that left five people dead, did not change his views on contesting the election.

“I’m never letting the fraud go,” Lindell told Reuters then.

Lindell is a recovered addict, meaning that he is all too familiar with the concept of “self will run riot” which recovering substance abusers use to describe their folly when lost in their disease. It seems like Lindell dumped cocaine and then later on got addicted to Trumpism. He doesn’t seem to know that Everything Trump Touches Dies. Apparently he has to find out the hard way.

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      • As someone who has been there. The usual efforts to get off drugs should be supported with some sort of counseling. It is clear that he’s gone through some religious bullcrap where some moron ordained that he is cured. Usually this would just be something to basically ignore unless he shows up somewhere for meetings to keep himself sober. But this cretin has trumps ear. Which turns a bad situation worse. And it’s not trump he’s hooked on. It’s the power and insanity of trump taking power and making himself some sort of dictator. Most of those that were there on the sixth have to some degree of the same addiction. But there were people that recognize what these morons are capable of are trying to direct this rage onto our government. To make a long story short, we need to slam the door on these clowns and really show them this won’t work.


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