Mike Lindell is proving up a slant on the Peter Principle, and that is that if you’re a crack addict and you get it together to become a pillow magnate, for God’s sake, do not go into politics. It is waaaay above your pay grade.

That said, Lindell is hyping not only a new documentary, to supplement and apparently supplant “Absolute Proof” which was an absolute bomb, but also a new platform to show it on and a new lawsuit, which will go before the Supreme Court. That august body will vote 9-0 in favor of this suit, Lindell claims, because it will prove up so conclusively how the election was stolen.

You know the old expression, when at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

Lindell claims “150 million people have seen Absolute Proof.” On what planet? That’s half the country. The only people who watched even portions of that thing were people like us, who have a fascination with the politically grotesque and like to laugh and point.

Lindell is a true believer, though. That’s his curse. He really thinks that something amazing went on during the 2020 election and that it’s his God-given task, even though he’s just a bedding manufacturer, to expose the truth to the world that all the intelligence agencies can’t discover. Or something.

Only in America.



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    • More to the point, the Supreme Court almost never hears a case that has not already been through lower courts. Lindell would have to have some INCREDIBLY COMPELLING new evidence (key word here is “evidence”–and real stuff, not something he’s just pulled out of his butt) that would merit the High Court’s involvement. The Supreme Court is the court of LAST resort, not a starting point for a meritless lawsuit.

  1. I wish we could load the likes of this clown along with RoJo, Hawley, Cruz, Graham, McConnell, etc. the whole group of flaming assholes holding us back, onto some intergalactic garbage scow and jettison them off into the deep, dark reaches of space. Yes, yes, I know, it would be littering, but God how I want them off our planet and out of our lives.

  2. In Lindell’s case I think that old saying is more like “If you fail at first, keep doing the same thing and fail again!”

  3. After Nov 3, various and sundry tried to litigate their way into an undemocratic victory. Why would Lindell think doing the SAME thing again will produce a different result?


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