It is surely a sign of a destabilized country that almost as many people who listen to their elected officials are listening to housewares purveyors explain to them the issues of the day. The low information, no information people listen to the likes of Mike Lindell because they have no idea how things work and he doesn’t either. And both Lindell and the MAGAs lack the intellectual curiosity to find out, so they just trade delusions. This is the definition of political discourse in MAGA land, circa 2021.

Lindell has finally agreed to a date certain when his hero, Donald Trump, will magically be restored to the highest office in the land. That date is August 13, the day after a three-day symposium during which compelling evidence, yay, the very Kraken we have been told was coming all this time, will finally be unleashed. Lindell assures us that all nine of the Supreme Court justices will hear this evidence. Since the court is out of session, we presume they’re committed to monitoring his OAN feed, or whomever carries this sideshow, from the beach?

So, let’s see what has to happen here: 1. The Supreme Court has to zoom into the symposium, or watch it on TV. Anybody hear that they’re planning on doing that? No, and you won’t. 2. Then, the court will dispense with all known procedures, like a petition for certiorari. Unless you’ve heard that Lindell has a lawyer working on that? No on that one, too. 3. Then, in a unanimous decision, the Court will order Trump “reinstated” via some undisclosed mechanism, which does not appear anywhere in the constitution.

To boil it down, the highest court in the land will come back from vacation, break every known procedural rule to hear the case, and then tell Trump he can go back to the White House after making up some applicable law out of whole cloth. Even Alan Dershowitz hasn’t dignified this bizarre fantasy with one of his famous legal trial balloons. But Lindell and the MAGAs believe this. I don’t know if ignorance is bliss, but it certainly is a set up to be disappointed, over and over again.

I truly don’t know why Lindell keeps going with this mad quest. I would assume it’s so he can sell pillows, but the amount of business he’s lost and the amount of money he’s sunk into this folly surely adds up to far more going out than what can be coming in from online sales. Or, maybe not.

It’s uncertain at this point if Lindell can give up the quest. He’s gotten so used to being in the limelight that he won’t go back to irrelevance without a struggle.

Time will tell. But I would caution you, there’s no reason to think that Mike Lindell is going to escape the axiom, everything Trump touches dies.

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  1. Non-subjective, non-objective and probaly non-verbal as well

    Ohh look – a sentence with no subject, object or verbs

    Why do I get the idea that Mad Mike will soon be occupying a room with wall to wall pillows, floor and ceiling ?

    • Actually this very thing was suggested quite strongly by a pundit a few weeks back. He said he thought Lindell’s friends, if he has any, or family, if they have the courage, should find a way to put a 72-hour hold on him at the closest locked ward because the guy isn’t well. These delusions are far more advanced than those of Mike Caputo, who was for a NY minute speaking for the CDC, anyone remember? But had to step down to take a mental health break.


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