Mike Lindell is the new Rudy Giuliani, a buffoon who doesn’t know he’s a buffoon and whose only saving grace is the comic relief he brings to an otherwise stressful news cycle. Today Lindell took to the airwaves to announce that his digital brain child, Frankspeech, still hasn’t launched because the forces of evil, in the form of hackers, have been preventing the site from launching — out of sheer envy, we assume.

But be of good cheer, Lindell fans, a countersuit has been filed against Dominion, to the tune of $1.6 Billion and that will provide some entertainment.

It’s interesting how Lindell calls his enemies “they.” “They” are preventing over six million people who are dying to sign up for Frankspeech from doing so. Who are they? You know, they, the nondescript, unnamed, evil other.

It will be good to see the Dominion v. Lindell dispute adjudicated, because this is a central issue in this country: can lies be protected by the First Amendment? So far, Fox News has been making bank from lies, so the answer is yes. By the end of the year, there may be a different answer.

And I’m all for Fox News continuing in business, if there’s a market for that drivel. I have always maintained that there should be a chyron in place and regular disclaimers, saying that what is being said is opinion and entertainment in a talk show format, not news. With that caveat, I think everything would be fine.



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  1. Well, Fox “News” is basing their entire operation on a court case that ruled the network was primarily an entertainment network rather than a genuine purveyor of information so their lies are simply akin to “acting”; we know that most of the Fox “News” anchors and “opinion” givers don’t really believe the crap they’re spewing any more than Chris Hemsworth really believes he’s an Asgardian who can control the weather or that Daniel Radcliffe believed he could wave a piece of wood and utter some quasi-Latin word and cause magic to happen.

  2. Funny how a box of cereal has to tell the truth about the ingredients but this propaganda arm of the American fascist party can call itself “news”. America, when will you take off your clothes? To paraphrase Allen Ginsberg. Goebbels would have clapped with glee.

    • The man has become scandalously wealthy in the good ol democratic republic of the USA. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Personally I’ll never enrich the pillow man by buying a his pillow ever again. Instead I think I’ll invest my hard earned bucks (after taxes) on a nice new cuddly Trumpy Bear.

  3. “Thay” is used all over by Fox “News” and by right-wingers looking to provoke outrage. If they don’t identify “them,” they can’t sue you. But the generic term is easily filled in by the minds of their viewers: “they” are women, Democrats, people of color, Muslims, gay and trans people, and people with disabilities. Isn’t everything our fault?

  4. Poor Mike Lindell. Things just haven’t been going his way since his idol lost the White House. But, I’m eagerly looking forward to the moment when young David Hogg, of Parkland fame, launches his planned “pillow company” to take on Mr. My Pillow head on, so to speak.

    • You sound like a hateful, miserable, pathetic, and evil scumbag. How sad that you’re too IGNORANT to recognize that “his idol” is the idol of all SMART Americans, which is why we OVERWHELMINGLY voted for him, why he was re-elected by a landslide, and why we’re fighting the election FRAUD. All 8 year olds can figure out there was MAJOR election FRAUD, but apparently you’re not that smart. Keep watching your FAKE, evil news, leaving snarky comments to Patriots, and idolizing Bumbling Beijing Biden, the CORRUPT puppet who’s being used to ruin our country. You’ll all face judgment someday and will pay for your crimes. In the meantime, we’ll pray for your twisted souls and hope you’ll wake up when you see how bad the EVIL, CHEATING DEMONcrats are bringing America down.

      • Wow. Take a deep breath. A whole bunch of them. John Adams (as in founding father and our second President) said facts are stubborn things. Rather than go into a whole bunch of things I’ll simply note that top members of Trump’s own administration clearly said the election was free and fair and that there was NOT widespread fraud. Including his AG and Roy Cohn clone Bill Barr who forced his corpulent (as in bloated, fat – which I am to be honest – huge, etc.) ass through so many tiny hoops protecting Trump to the point of legally exposing himself to consequences. Same for federal judges and even Justices of the Supreme Court that were appointed by Trump when they dismissed case after case filed by Trump’s not so crack team (although some of them maybe were hopped up on crack!) of lawyers for lack of evidence. Seven million (plus) more of us voted for Biden. There was a landslide. That’s true. But Trump was down at the bottom of the slope and got buried by it. I have a sneaking suspicion that the prayers you say you will offer to people like me are worth less than the paper they aren’t printed on – we are on the internet so there’s no paper! You are free to believe what you wish, and even to make dubious comments that have no basis in fact. But spouting bullshit that’s been discredited and disproven time and again isn’t going to change any minds from those of us who gather here on a regular basis. Perhaps your time might be more agreeably spent elsewhere.

      • I so agree. People have become so nasty. To find enjoyment in the strugglings of others is so sad. I pray for their lonely lives and empty hearts. It’s those who are persistent who prevail, not those who just sit back and laugh, for their lives are meaningless

        • Instead of worrying about my “empty heart” why don’t you worry about this asshole’s empty head? He published a manifesto on Twitter a couple of days before the Capitol riot. People are dead or in jail or going to prison because of this idiocy. This has to stop. You’re defending a conspiracy theorist. Wake the fuck up.

      • Your shining star president Abe Lincoln said Its possible to fool all of the people some of the time. It is even true that you can fool some of the people all of the time./ But it is not true that you can fool all of the people all of the time. He never took into consideration what about people who want to be fooled?

    • This is a liberal Democratic site. Lindell is a moron and a conspiracy theorist. If you want to be where people praise that, this is not the place.

    • The fact that your here Kimberly shows that you are open minded enough to be here. It speaks well of you. Also labeling this site Liberal Democratic is doing an injustice to the site managers who see themselves as news casters. Genuine news casters as they claim Fox News not to be


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