This is very ugly. The advent of Donald Trump was thought to be an anomaly in our cultural and political experience, a freakish occurrence that happened due to a confluence of factors that could never occur again. And perhaps that’s right. But the problem is that the legacy he leaves is one of crackpot conspiracies and overt efforts to turn America into a fascist state. That is the ugly part. That is the tumor. And how that tumor is to be excised is not easily determined.

Mike Flynn has gone into the election fraud movie business. It’s a genre now, and you thought it was just Mike Lindell going bonkers on camera. No, not at all. Here is the trailer for Flynn’s masterpiece, to be released soon.

Now, you noticed the comment, “a poll worker is as powerful as the president of the United States?” That’s key here. Because Flynn has been down in Dallas telling the cult that they need to become poll workers in the next election. Considering that a Trump supporter working in voter registration in Florida changed Independents’ and Democrats’ information to reflect them as registered Republicans last year, it makes one wonder what an election process controlled by Trump cultists could do.

Now, granted, the fact that there are bipartisan teams at the polls making decisions should allay one’s fears, but frankly, with this level of crazy, I’m wondering if that will be enough. And definitely a tutorial in how the polls work, how bipartisan teams work, all of it, would be helpful. A major part of the process taking place here is that the Trumpites don’t know how the election process works, so they’re gullible and open to soaking in disinformation — and that of course is what lines the pockets of Mike Flynn and Sidney Powell. Mike Lindell is in a different category. He truly is nuts, he believes all this is real.

Just by way of a timeline, Mike Lindell announced on May 19 that within “five or six weeks” the Supreme Court would have made some kind of a ruling overturning the results of the 2020 election. That was 11 days ago and there’s been no suit filed. Time’s passing quickly.

But on the other hand, the rallies are taking place and the fundraising emails are going out and money is pouring in from tickets, (it cost $179 to get into the Faith and Freedoms Conference) concession stands, and merchandise, so the flock is getting fleeced and that’s all that matters.

What the flock doesn’t understand is that they’re being asked to trade democracy for fascism. Unfortunately, those realizations tend to come too late.


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  1. It came too late for the germans, & then for western europe, almost for the goddamn world. The battle still rages, & make no mistake, the future of all of our children is at stake. Fascism understands nothing but power through violence & the subjugation of the masses to a dictator. Hyperbole? Yeah the nice educated folks of Europe thought so until they were shot.

    • A very succinct statement of why the GQP’s insistence that the rest of us are overreacting merely shows they are working to turn America into an autocracy.

  2. If the trailer is any indication, the “movie” will be nothing but rearranged out-of-context clips, each only a few seconds long, in other words, nothing but pure propaganda.

  3. I could be wrong, but I think we need to have a special prosecutor investigate what happened on January 6 and we also need to pass the federal elections bill. We need to reform the filibuster, or whatever it takes to make that happen.

    • Stop treating 60 votes as a minimum for anything that doesn’t require a supermajority. Require that filibusters be talking filibusters, and people can’t leave.

    • First of all Manchin and Sinema need to stop being McConnell’s puppets and get back to the Democrat side of the aisle. They are liking the attention too much and also liking whatever McConnell or tfg or Putin or whomever is paying them. Something is wrong if they believe there will be bipartisanship after Everyone heard McConnell say there will be nothing of the sort – not one vote for anything President Biden wants. How does anything get done with these holdouts?

  4. A bit more concerning is that Texas is about to pull more of the same voter intimidation laws that other Republican (of course) state legislatures have done. But one of the interesting bits in the Texas legislation is that it will make it harder to remove disruptive poll workers. So, apparently the state feels a Black voter needs to have at least forty forms of ID, will only be able to vote by standing in a precinct poll line (assuming the state provided him with the correct precinct in the first place) and can be confronted by a crazy (Qrazy?) poll worker, challenging his very right to be there to cast a ballot and getting all up in his face, screaming and yelling at him in front of dozens (hundreds?) of witnesses but when the cops are called, they won’t be able to do anything to remove the poll worker.

  5. Another bunch that doesn’t have a clue of what is REALLY HAPPENING. I KNOW NOW, that dems will listen to anyone that says ‘ the election was fair’, hasn’t paid one iota to anything but the MSM. Watch something besides these puppets with the same exact dialogue over and over. THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE. NONE OF YOU KNOW IT YET. Listen!!!!! We are under military control, Trump still ‘COMMANDER IN CHIEF’ of the Military. Biden, fake pres. the election was rigged. The military KNOWS IT WAS, BECAUSE THEY WATCHED IT HAPPEN. THE AUDITS HAVE PROVEN IT WAS A RIGGED ELECTION. WAKE UP. OMG. PAY ATTENTION INSTEAD OF THE MSM LIARS. FLYNN HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG BUT GET BLAMED. HE IS PART OF PUTTING THE CRIMINALS IN GITMO. The ‘jab’ is a bioweapon, to commit genocide. LOOK UP- VAX SHEDDING. VAXXED PEOPLE IN SERIOUS DANGER FROM NANO TECH. UN-VAXED IN DANGER FROM SHEDDING, WILL GET SICK FROM THE VAXXED!!!!. LOOK UP, Judy Markovits, how to help unvaxxed from sickness. Please do some research people. I have read everything I could to know this stuff. RESEARCH. RESEARCH.

    • Hey this is some real talk for you friend, if you’re not a Russian bot; don’t go near a psychiatric hospital, you WILL be in a locked unit. Your fixed delusional thinking will be taken seriously.

    • You are correct that it isimportant to do your research, but since your sources are terrible, your research is worthless. In fact, based on what you have written, you “research” is downright dangerous. Clearly you have not resd everything you could as you claimed or you would not be so deluded.

      • I truly don’t believe these people have any reading comprehension skills whatsoever. Tfg said he liked his followers because they were low intelligence. Wildhare13 is a perfect example of low intelligence follower of low iq45. He made his own case for that.

    • U are partly right. We democrats listened to the republicans WHO RAN SEVERAL KEY STATES elections when they certified that they were fair & free of fraud. U listen to the heir of Swanson frozen dinners. Eat a lot of them do ya in ur troll foxhole? I would call you a moron but u will have to work to improve ur IQ to meet that proud title.

      • Nothing wrong with a Swanson heir. Maybe one of the Republican election officials is a Snapple heir or something. The point is that the election officials are the ones responsible for certifying the vote. Trump supporters are in total bondage to their confirmation bias. They only believe whoever tells them what they want to hear.


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