Mick Mulvaney Miffed Nobody Gave Him Heads Up On Don Jr’s Subpoena — “Bad Form” He Calls It


Donald Trump Jr. recently was subpoenaed to testify before the Senate, and Mick Mulvaney is kvetching that he didn’t know about it in advance. Mulvaney said he was “blindsided” by the news. And bear in mind, the Senate committee that subpoenaed Junior is GOP-led, so that makes it sting even more. Politico:

He downplayed the potential implications of the subpoena, noting that Trump Jr. doesn’t work in the West Wing, but took a swipe at lawmakers for the lack of warning, accusing them of being on the brink of politicizing the panel.

“I have no opinion about that because he is a private citizen and not a member of the administration,” Mulvaney said. “That being said, the fact that the President’s son got a subpoena from a Republican-led committee — and listen, I’m all for bipartisanship on intel committees. I think it’s one of Adam Schiff’s great failings, is to — is to sort of politicize the Intel Committee in the House. So I have no difficulty with bipartisanship, but to subpoena the president of the United States’s son and not at least get a heads-up, I thought was — let’s say bad form.”

This is GOP-speak for, “The committee shouldn’t have done anything that I didn’t approve of. We’re not in a democracy anymore, this is the age of Trump, and we do things like in a totalitarian regime.”

Interesting that it went down this way. Maybe there’s a civil war brewing in the GOP? It has always been said that the minute Trump becomes more of a liability than an asset, the party will dump him. Maybe we’ve reached that point. This is a nice sign that might indicate that, at least. Hope springs eternal.

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  1. Oh, we’re obviously not there yet, Ursula. But damn if we’re not getting close. Think about all the ramp up to go after Iran and/or Venezuela…do you see Trump not royally screwing the pooch in either situation? He can’t keep his mouth shut, has no loyal subordinates competent enough to coordinate the full efforts needed and, going by the MOAB and missiles previously deployed, lacks the attention span for another grindy episode like Iraq or Afghanistan. Honestly, it’s a testament to overall GOP weakness that they have to throw Trump over the side in favor of Pence.

    • What I loved was the subtext of this: You know Trump freaked when he heard about this and ran straight to Mulvaney. Mulvaney then looked bad and said to say, “I didn’t have a clue, don’t get mad at me.” What Mulvaney was calling “bad form” was really saying, “Jesus, guys, do you have to put me in this position, where that maniac is going to come and scream at me?” That’s Mulvaney’s beef, in a nutshell.

      • If Mickey ain’t got the good sense to get out of the way of the bullet train, he kind of deserves everything he gets after.

  2. Makes sense to me… When you smell trouble you cover your ass, and the republicans do realize they’re in deep doo doo after all their shenanigans of recent past… Tough though cause me thinks it’s already too late Heh heh heh…

    • Maybe they think it’s too late, too. Wouldn’t that be a hoot, if behind closed doors, Republicans were saying to one another, “It won’t be long now,” or words to that effect.

    • “I’ll give the land a little shock,/Remember what I say,/And they’ll yet regret they sent Jim Jones,/In chains to Botany Bay.”

    • The greedy are shortsighted, no vision of tomorrow. It’s as good an epitaph as any for future deceased GOP careers, Mulvaney’s included.

    • He’s like all of them, in that regard. Anybody who has hung with Trump this long, just wants to get the gravy while the gravy train is still rolling — and then jump off into the weeds.

    • He could have it done surgically. Everybody in that family does cosmetic surgery, like you or I would go for a haircut.

      • As evidenced by Malaria’s four week vanishing act for a “kidney ailment”.

        Back to the issue at hand, I wonder what Burr’s angle is on subpoenaing Uday, especially the day after McTurtle declared “Case Closed”…..???


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