“Every puppy has his day, everybody has to pay, everybody has to meet his Waterloo.” — Stonewall Jackson

Peter Navarro has a choice. He can make things easy on himself or he can make things impossible. He apparently doesn’t know which way to go. He said earlier today that he would represent himself in court because he “didn’t want to waste his retirement savings on lawyers.”

The problem with that is two fold: One, it’s a cliche, because it’s true, that the lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client, and two, Navarro isn’t even a lawyer. This isn’t small claims court he’s going into or even a state superior court. This is federal court with the big boys and girls, the Department of Justice and the House of Many Doors just down the road. Forrest Gump nailed it, stupid truly is as stupid does.

A few other points of interest: Navarro’s aide, Garrett Ziegler, is getting paranoid that he’ll be next. He’s been posting very strange things on Telegram.

“Some corporate job at a gay consulting house?” Interesting. That followed this.

“Support Marco Polo?” Is that something like Covfefe, a code word? I am truly lost. All I can say with certainty is that I think Ziegler has had happier days.

A final point to be considered: the New York Times broke the news early Friday evening that the DOJ didn’t intend to indict Dan Scavino or Mark Meadows for contempt of Congress, due to the fact that they had cooperated. So, it may be that Navarro is the biggest fish of the moment, possibly bigger even than Steve Bannon, because Bannon was no longer a part of the White House staff at that point.

In other words, Navarro may have had the chance to save himself via cooperation with the DOJ and he’s already blown it. The DOJ may have already gotten a lot of information from Scavino and Meadows and all they really needed from Navarro is corroboration. He might have been in a good position for a plea bargain.

Now Navarro may hang and for what, as Michael Cohen asks? For what?

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  1. Navarro was babbling about his civil suit, which wasn’t at all why he was in court today. Today was about the subpoenas from the 1/6 Committee that he blew off, one for docs and one for testimony/deposition.
    He really is full of himself, and so proud that he worked for the former guy.

  2. Ahh yes, Marco Polo – the source of spaghetti and mints

    What any of that has to do with a court case, I simply haven’t a clue

    ps – for anyone who doesn’t get the ‘mint’ reference:


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