Melania Travels To Detention Center In AZ To Support Law Enforcement


The woman in the gilded cage decided to visit the kids in cages — except not really. She’s there to support law enforcement.

Melania Trump for the second time has traveled to Trump migrant concentration camp for children in Tucson, Arizona. On camera a Customs and Border Patrol agent told the First Lady “there have to be consequences” for those families attempting to enter the U.S., often to seek asylum.

“I’m here to support you,” the First Lady said at the televised event speaking to the agents of the federal Customs and Border Patrol, “and to give my help whatever I can, for, behalf of children and the families.”

“I know how dangerous and difficult your daily jobs are so I really appreciate all you do on behalf of the country,” the First Lady told the Customs and Border Patrol agents.

The dog whistle is as loud as an air raid siren. Of course it’s “dangerous and difficult” to deal with animals and rapists. Although if anybody should feel at home amongst animals and rapists, logically it would be her.

What is the purpose of these photo ops where she’s purportedly on the scene but not really on the scene? She visited a Lutheran church center which deals with immigrants, on the day she wore her famous jacket, and now this.


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