Just like the swallows returning to Capistrano, the theory that poor Melania is the victim of her abuser husband resurfaces from time to time. So a couple of thoughts on this: 1. I don’t believe it. Not to say that Donald Trump isn’t a monster. Of course he is and anybody who gets around him and stays around him deserves whatever they get in return. No, my thought is 2. Donald and Melania are a perfect match. I firmly believe that they are both shallow, stupid narcissists. That said, here is a good argument for Melania as battered spouse that I found and will share with you. I don’t think doing so is just gossip. I honestly believe that we need to know what goes on in whatever First Family is in the White House, and so these discussions are warranted. Maybe I’m wrong, but such is my feeling.

This is a good argument. And I’m not saying there isn’t some truth to it. But the way that I see Donald and Melania is in a symbiotic relationship, which she has basically admitted, that he is the sugar daddy and she is the ornament. That’s their deal and that’s fine.

Now whether that *deal* comes along with Trump acting like a toddler, hitting his wife, otherwise being obnoxious, who knows? Knowing Donald as we do, he has no impulse control and no respect for anybody, himself included, so I’m pretty sure that there have been some dicey domestic scenes.

That said, the woman was reportedly seeing his lawyers while acting as First Lady so I don’t see her as a victim here so much as I see her as the other half of a sick relationship which is based upon money, power, and mutual exploitation and is not a “marriage” in the conventional sense of that term.

There’s never been anything conventional about the Trumps. All the way from Melania plagiarizing Michelle Obama’s speech to not moving into the White House for several months, the red flags were all there from the get go that Melania was way out of her league trying to fill the role of First Lady and that is precisely why Ivanka intended to share those duties with her.

Melania wasn’t having any of that, because she hates Ivanka, and allegedly the pea coat with the ugly crack I Really Don’t Care Do U? was a response to something Ivanka had done that day and was a fuck you to her — according to Bess Levin at Vanity Fair. However, nobody knew that at the time and so it came across as a diss to the helpless children involved, the ones in cages at the border. It was not a good way to go but again, this is Melania the tone deaf. She doesn’t care.

And in all fairness, she didn’t sign up for any of this. She got dragged into it and reluctantly.

Something was not right this weekend. And if these two were private citizens it would be none of our business. But they’re not and it is.

And I don’t disagree with any of this. Again, I will state that Melania has the ability to leave this marriage if that’s what she wants to do. I feel no sympathy for her. I think she and Donald are a perfect match, they’re both perfectly awful people.

There’s an old expression, “marry for money and you’ll earn every penny.” And there’s another old expression, “you made your bed, now lie in it.” I have zero sympathy for either of them. I feel sorry for us that two essentially useless people take up so much of the bandwidth in our daily cultural discourse.

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  1. In the clearing stands Melania
    And a trophy wife by trade
    And she carries the reminder
    Of all of Trump’s abuses
    Hitting and insulting her and she cries out in her shame
    I am leaving I am leaving, but Melania remains

  2. When Melanie met DJT,she was 28. When they married she was 35. She was never a supermodel and she was,aging out of selling her assets. She knew a good thing when she saw it. I suspect she maneuvered a nice buyout if he traded her in for a newer model. Barron was her anchor baby.
    Trump has never loved any woman He regards them as an accessory that shows how rich he is, just like his private het or the apt.in Trump Tower which us decorated in Trailer Trash Versailles, the look.a man with no taste or subtle thinks makes him look.rich and important. He has said a man looks suuccessful if he has “a beautiful piece of @$$” onhis ass.

    Their marriage was a business deal, nothing else.

  3. Personally I would say she has film of both any events and any damage to her in a safe somewhere which obviously Trump has no clue where it is. And i would say daddy better lay off tuning up mommy because Baron getting to be a pretty good sized boy. And if you go back and look. Baron had a pretty pissy look when him and his father were close in a couple photos.


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